
Jeff Eaton

Jeff Eaton is a digital strategist at Lullabot, where he designs and implements large-scale web platforms for media, education, and enterprise businesses. He co-authored the first edition of O’Reilly Media’s Using Drupal; hosts the Insert Content Here content strategy podcast; and is a frequent writer and speaker at web and open source conferences. In a previous life, he worked as a freelance writer and a copy editor, jobs that he recalls fondly while building editorial tools for today’s content teams.

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The Battle for the Body Field

As we attempt to combine multi-device design requirements with complex, media-rich narratives, we’ve hit the wall. The chunky, fields-and-templates approach we’ve developed can’t save us from the mismatch between our content and HTML’s descriptive tools. The good news is we don’t have to convert all our projects to XML to learn from the XML community’s wisdom. By using custom elements and properties to represent content’s meaning, transforming it into HTML on output, and ensuring that editing tools share the same vocabulary, we can publish structured content that supports the needs of today’s editors and art directors while also making our content safe for future generations.