
Dorian Peters

Dorian Peters leads online strategy for the education faculty at the University of Sydney. She is currently co-authoring the forthcoming book Positive Computing: Technology for Wellbeing for MIT Press. She started her career on a Lite-Brite in the ’80s and now designs interfaces for learning and wellbeing (drop by at:

Also from this author

The Web Runs on Electricity and We’re Running Out

It’s a humbling thought, but as web professionals, nothing we create actually exists when the power goes out. As we increase the number of devices in our world, planning for a connected web of things in hopes that the poor will be liberated, education will be free, and our fridges will tell us we’re out of lettuce, we fail to acknowledge that we scarcely have enough fossil fuels to maintain the current state for long. Web designers need to be part of the solution—and the situation is more hopeful than you may think. Dorian Peters shows how we can exercise the surprising power that lies in seemingly small designerly decisions to help our industry not only survive, but create positive impact worldwide.