
Corey Vilhauer

Corey Vilhauer is User Experience Strategist at Blend Interactive in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. He writes about content strategy at Eating Elephant, and writes about things that aren't content strategy at Black Marks on Wood Pulp. He's on Twitter: @mrvilhauer.

Also from this author

Audiences, Outcomes, and Determining User Needs

Every website needs an audience. And every audience needs a goal. Advocating for end-user needs is the very foundation of the user experience disciplines. We make websites for real people. Those real people are able to do real things. But how do we get to really know our audience and find out what these mystery users really want from our sites and applications? Learn to ensure that every piece of content on your site relates back to a specific, desired outcome , one that achieves business goals by serving the end user. Corey Vilhauer explains the threads that bind UX research to content strategy and project deliverables that deliver.