
Bobby van der Sluis

Bobby van der Sluis works as a Technical Experience Director at Blast Radius in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. He is a huge fan of both web standards and Flash, and occasionally has the urge to write about these topics on his personal website or for an online magazine.

Also from this author

Supersize that Background, Please!

Background images that fill the screen thrill marketers but waste bandwidth in devices with small viewports, and suffer from cropping and alignment problems in high-res and widescreen monitors. Instead of using a single fixed background size, a better solution would be to scale the image to make it fit different window sizes. And with CSS3 backgrounds and CSS3 media queries, we can do just that. Bobby van der Sluis shows how.

Flash Embedding Cage Match

Ever had to embed Flash into a web page and just been plain confounded about the best way to do it? Be confused no more! Bobby van der Sluis cuts through the arguments and opinions about the many techniques available.

Exploring Footers

With old-school table layout methods, vertical positioning is a piece of cake. With CSS layout, it’s a piece of something else. New ALA contributing writer Bobby van der Sluis shows how to regain control of footers and other vertically positioned layout elements via CSS, JavaScript, and the DOM.