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well, there is a reson wine lastlasts a long time, it definetly won't make it 100%safe ut at 1510-20% ABV I would drink most water pretty confidently, oweverhowever I'd prefer solar(UV) desinfection since it's a pretty decent, though also not complete method that should generally be as good or better and alcohol is onl reccomendable as an desinfecteant unless you're actually aout to die of dehydration, then yes, make something like grog, better than pure river water, but it's only an addition to make the water less likelyylikely to make you sick, not really safe to drink. Also most water from rivers and alpine lakes is drinkable, not by modern safety stndards, but prctically you can, so some added alcohol or sunlight to kill off most of the harmful little things, especially the more celled living ones, though not as much viruses and spores, it will be a good option but ou will have to use a 2:1 ratio at most so even a bottle of whiske might only last a day and you can see how that could be a problem, so prettty much any other option is better

well, there is a reson wine last a long time, it definetly won't make it 100%safe ut at 15-20% ABV I would drink most water pretty confidently, owever I'd prefer solar(UV) desinfection since it's a pretty decent, though also not complete method that should generally be as good or better and alcohol is onl reccomendable as an desinfecteant unless you're actually aout to die of dehydration, then yes, make something like grog, better than pure river water, but it's only an addition to make the water less likelyy to make you sick, not really safe to drink.

well, there is a reson wine lasts a long time, it definetly won't make it 100%safe ut at 10-20% ABV I would drink most water pretty confidently, however I'd prefer solar(UV) desinfection since it's a pretty decent, though also not complete method that should generally be as good or better and alcohol is onl reccomendable as an desinfecteant unless you're actually aout to die of dehydration, then yes, make something like grog, better than pure river water, but it's only an addition to make the water less likely to make you sick, not really safe to drink. Also most water from rivers and alpine lakes is drinkable, not by modern safety stndards, but prctically you can, so some added alcohol or sunlight to kill off most of the harmful little things, especially the more celled living ones, though not as much viruses and spores, it will be a good option but ou will have to use a 2:1 ratio at most so even a bottle of whiske might only last a day and you can see how that could be a problem, so prettty much any other option is better

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well, there is a reson wine last a long time, it definetly won't make it 100%safe ut at 15-20% ABV I would drink most water pretty confidently, owever I'd prefer solar(UV) desinfection since it's a pretty decent, though also not complete method that should generally be as good or better and alcohol is onl reccomendable as an desinfecteant unless you're actually aout to die of dehydration, then yes, make something like grog, better than pure river water, but it's only an addition to make the water less likelyy to make you sick, not really safe to drink.