ESMOS Recruitment

ESMOS Recruitment

الاستخدام والتوظيف

The events recruitment specialists.

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ESMOS Recruitment, the company lauded as the ‘Go to’ Recruitment Specialists for the events industry in the UK & United Arab Emirates. A distinctive, highly targeted consultancy service, we specialise in recruitment for the events industry focusing on the core pillars that make up any good event. We appreciate the importance of building relationships with the people and businesses we represent. From screening to placement, we believe in a non-transactional approach to recruitment that suits all parties, putting the development of a positive dynamic between the company and candidate back at the forefront when it comes to hiring fresh talent, making the recruitment journey smooth, seamless, and transitional for all involved.

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الاستخدام والتوظيف
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موظفين في ESMOS Recruitment


  • عرض صفحة منظمة ESMOS Recruitment، رسم بياني

    ٧٤٬٣٤٨ متابع

    Dubai beckoning? Wondering how to turn your dream event career in this dazzling city into reality? This blog is for YOU! We explore why Dubai is a dream destination for event pros, and how Esmos Recruitment can be your key to unlocking it! Inside you'll find: Why Dubai's booming events industry needs YOU! How to build a thriving career in this innovation hub! Tips for navigating Dubai's multicultural event scene! Success stories of Esmos candidates living the Dubai dream! Click the link below to read the full blog! 🔗

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    عرض ملف Ross Miotti الشخصي، رسم بياني

    Commercial Director | Business Development Specialist | Events Talent Supplier

    Thought For Thursday - listen to your body I’d been slowly cranking up my running training over the last few months, initially to lose weight and then to regain a competitive edge. As I’ve mentioned before, I had aspirations of being an Olympic athlete as a teenager before injuries and the demands of adulthood made me give up my dreams. But running has always played an important part in my life. I took up competitive running again as an over-35s veteran in 2016 and won several national medals. However, I was unfortunately diagnosed with a strange kidney dysfunction a few years later. Seemingly linked to intense exercise, I was forced to ease off on the training and retire from racing at the top level. As one of my uncles had died from kidney failure, doctors told me not to take any chances with my health. Quitting the sport that had given me such an emotional outlet over the years was difficult. I tried to just run casually to stay fit and keep my weight down, but I’ve always loved pushing my body to its limit and testing myself against the best. I’ve never been able to just ‘do something for the fun of it’. So slowly but surely, I began training hard again at the start of this year, gradually pushing the intensity levels up each week... until the inevitable happened... I felt the tell-tale lower back pain, extreme nausea and debilitating lethargy that accompanies my kidney function dropping to dangerous levels. The initial worry I felt was soon replaced with frustration and anger. I just wanted to run - was that such a bad thing? I’d never smoked, never drunk excessively, always tried to eat healthily... why was my body letting me down like this? It took a week for my kidneys to return to normal, and about the same amount of time for me to sort my head out and evaluate my options. I knew I needed to listen to my body; failure to do so would probably lead to the onset of CKD, with dialysis and maybe even complete kidney failure on the horizon. I had to accept the reality that I’d never be able to train or compete at the same level again. But it wasn’t the end of the world, I kept telling myself. I just needed to find a different sporting pursuit... one that wasn’t as damaging to my body. And I had to accept that I was no longer the bulletproof teenager that could consistently push himself to the limit. It’s a sobering revelation when you realise that you’re no longer capable of what you once were. But at the same time, you have to listen to your body and constantly re-evaluate what you can realistically achieve. It doesn’t help anyone – colleagues, friends, family and, least of all, yourself – if you push yourself to breaking point. I've realised it’s not a sign of failure to set new goals that are more aligned to your current capabilities; it’s actually a sign of great inner strength and self-awareness. #eventsindustry #recruitment #hiring #eventprofs #eventprofsuk #motivation #olympics #running #sport #health ESMOS Recruitment

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  • عرض صفحة منظمة ESMOS Recruitment، رسم بياني

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    An interesting perspective from Ross Miotti, our Commercial Director, in his Thought For Thursday. All you can do is your best!

    عرض ملف Ross Miotti الشخصي، رسم بياني

    Commercial Director | Business Development Specialist | Events Talent Supplier

    Thought For Thursday – perfection isn’t possible I’ve written on a few occasions in my Thought For Thursday about failure – how nothing is a failure if you learn from it and how negative experiences can be channelled into positive outcomes. This is a key part of possessing a growth mindset. Yesterday, I watched Roger Federer’s Commencement Speech that he delivered at Dartmouth College earlier this month (see below for a short clip). He’s always been a sporting hero of mine, and his professionalism, focus and work ethic have elevated him to ‘role model’ status for a lot of people. One thing that really stood out to me in the speech was his statement that perfection isn’t possible. Realising that you’re not going to win every point in a tennis match, and accepting that there’ll be many moments when you’ll fall below your best, is an important outlook if you’re going to become a champion. One point is just one point – win it, or lose it, you have to be ready to move onto the next and the next until the match is done. Dwelling on what’s already occurred and chastising yourself for making an error won’t help your cause. You have to adapt to your circumstances and focus on doing your best in that exact moment, and keep moving forwards. Federer illustrated this point brilliantly by revealing an insightful statistic – even though he was victorious in almost 80% of his career matches, he only won 54% of the available points. This means he lost almost half of the points he played. And yet he’s still regarded as one of the greatest tennis players of all time. If we translate this into business terms, or even look at it from a personal perspective, there’s a pretty straightforward lesson to be learned. We’re never going to achieve every goal we set ourselves and nothing is ever going to be perfect. Inevitably, there will be times when we fall below our expected levels, when circumstances conspire against us or we simply come up against someone that performs better than us at that given moment. When this happens, we need to quickly assess what happened so we can learn from the experience, and then progress onto the next ‘point’ with a positive mindset. Assess – Adapt – Move Forward Because if you’re waiting for perfection, you’ll end up achieving the opposite... you’ll procrastinate, spend too long trying to eliminate errors, and you’ll repeatedly beat yourself up on the occasions when you fall short. This isn’t to say you should do things in a slapdash way; you should always aim for your highest level. Just remember that if you have the right mindset and always try your best, you can still become a champion so long as you win only slightly more points than you lose. #growthmindset #rogerfederer #eventsindustry #eventsrecruitment #hiring #eventprofs #eventprofsuk #eventsprofs #eventsprofsuk #inspiration #motivation #failure ESMOS Recruitment

  • أعاد ESMOS Recruitment نشر هذا

    عرض ملف Attila Borzak الشخصي، رسم بياني

    End User Computing Specialist

    I’m really amazed at how a recruitment agency can put so much emphasis on how they interact with their candidates, both new and existing. I reached out to long time friend Mark Benaicha (ceo and founder) of ESMOS Recruitment get his feed back on some of my most recent experiences when dealing with Recruitment Agencies. His insights shared were valuable and i’m grateful for him taking time out to give me honest advice. It’s a shame that Esmos only focuses on the events industry and not Technology, which is a win for them. But saying that, if there was a model for recruiters to base themselves on, Esmos would be it. Shout to whole crew for recruiting with ethics, empathy and humility. #Recruitment

    عرض صفحة منظمة ESMOS Recruitment، رسم بياني

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    The team was out in full force at #MEES2024. We had a well-deserved night out with all our peers, clients, and candidates. Congratulations to all the winners on the night.

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  • أعاد ESMOS Recruitment نشر هذا

    عرض ملف Ross Miotti الشخصي، رسم بياني

    Commercial Director | Business Development Specialist | Events Talent Supplier

    Thought For Thursday – silence is golden Convincing my wife that I was actually working hard whilst in Dubai last week, and not on holiday, was a challenge. She jokingly remarked that I was probably by the pool at 1pm everyday sipping cocktails, followed by spa treatments and trips to the many malls. But nothing could have been further from the truth. It was a jam-packed week full of 1-2-1s with the ESMOS Recruitment team, networking, event shows, live sessions and client meetings. And, truth-be-told, it’s always a bit of a mental struggle for me when I’m away from home for more than 2 nights. I’m proud of the family home my wife and I have created over the years, and I enjoy a really close relationship with my children. So when I travel for work and am away for extended periods, it’s hard not to sink into a slight depression after a few days. I miss the dissection of our days over a cup of tea when my wife gets home. I miss listening to my boys practising their reading (the tin whistle, not so much!). I miss the dogs’ barked reminders when it’s time for their after-dinner Digestive biscuit. I miss bedtime stories and cuddles. However, I realised last week that this time to myself gives me the opportunity to reflect on what I have and what I value. This ‘quiet time’ away from the daily routine brings into focus how lucky I am in various aspects of my life. It’s so easy to get caught up in the energy-sapping rat race and forget to make time for family dinners, special events or even simple conversations. But when you’re forced to step outside your little microcosm, it’s these emotional touch-points that you really miss and yearn for. As the saying goes, absence makes the heart grow fonder. That feeling when you first walk through your front door after being away is hard to beat. The warm embrace of your partner, the excitement of the kids as they shout “Dad’s home!” and the crazy antics of the dogs as they try to jump all over you... if you could bottle that emotional high, you’d be a billionaire! So the next time you’re away on your own, try to take the time to appreciate the special things in your life. Appreciating those small pleasures can make a huge difference to your mental wellbeing... even if it’s something simple like getting to sleep in your own cosy bed, drinking your favourite brand of tea from your best mug or having a quick catch-up with your friend from across the road. Use the silence to review, reflect and rebalance. It has the potential to be golden. #events #eventsindustry #eventsrecruitment #eventprofs #eventprofsuk #eventsprofs #eventsprofsuk #recruitment #hiring #workingabroad #travel #mentalwellbeing #mentalhealth

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