Protect My Privacy!
Ask Congress to Pass a Strong Privacy Law

Despite countless data breaches and glaring abuse of consumers’ private information, Congress has yet to pass any laws protecting our privacy in the digital age. And multi-billion dollar fines for privacy violations will have little impact on how these cash-flush, Big Tech companies do business. Please add your name to our petition, and let’s get real privacy protections!

I want my representatives in Congress to crack down on companies that misuse our personal information and data, and to pass a strong privacy law that requires companies to:

  • Collect and share data only as needed;
  • Maintain strong data security practices; and
  • Grant consumers easy access to their information to delete, correct or move to another service.

Despite countless data breaches and glaring abuse of consumers’ private information, Congress has yet to pass any laws protecting our privacy in the digital age. And multi-billion dollar fines for privacy violations will have little impact on how these cash-flush, Big Tech companies do business. Please add your name to our petition, and let’s get real privacy protections!

I want my representatives in Congress to crack down on companies that misuse our personal information and data, and to pass a strong privacy law that requires companies to:

  • Collect and share data only as needed;
  • Maintain strong data security practices; and
  • Grant consumers easy access to their information to delete, correct or move to another service.