Past Webinars

At least 17 states so far have passed comprehensive online privacy laws to protect residents from companies that collect and profit off their data.
Date Recorded: June 13, 2024

This event featured an amazing panel of experts sharing steps that we can take together to address the impacts of climate change.
Date Recorded: May 20, 2024

This Forum featured an all-star panel of car and privacy experts, sharing privacy tips and discussing safeguards to protect our driving data.
Date Recorded: May 15, 2024

For this month's Community Reports forum, we dove into a new report about EV charging infrastructure.
Date Recorded: March 27, 2024

Consumer Reports’ recent investigation into food contaminants had some unsettling findings: many of the foods we buy for our families contain concerning amounts of plastic chemicals known as phthalates.
Date Recorded: February 22, 2024

In the first Community Reports forum of 2024, we dove into the report that we wrote about Facebook's Surveillance Economy based on data donations from our members.
Date Recorded: January 24, 2024

We live our lives online, and with every hack we hear about in the news, it’s hard not to worry about our personal information being compromised.
Date Recorded: November 14, 2023

Please join us for the premiere of BAD INPUT, a video series exploring algorithmic bias and discriminatory practices in financial service, healthcare, and facial recognition technology.
Date Recorded: May 2, 2023

Transportation is the top contributor to greenhouse gas emissions in the US; But what can consumers do to help reduce vehicle emissions?  Are there options beyond buying electric vehicles?   Learn about actions at the state and federal levels to invest in cleaner technologies like biofuels, hydrogen and electricity.
Date Recorded: March 7, 2023

A recent Consumer Reports investigation that measured heavy metals in dark chocolate bars found lead and cadmium in all of them - many at concerning levels.
Date Recorded: February 9, 2023

We dug into our Fight for Fair Internet report that uncovers the true cost of broadband in the United States! We analyzed 22,000 consumer bills from across the nation, and talked about what we can do together to make broadband more accessible and affordable.
Date Recorded: November 29, 2022

The United States is making real progress toward cleaner transportation for consumers, including cars and trucks that run on less gasoline – or no gasoline at all.
Date Recorded: November 16, 2022

The more accounts you have online, the more at risk you are of having your personal information being misused or stolen.
Date Recorded: October 26, 2022

Our passwords are at risk of being stolen, leaked, or hacked.
Date Recorded: October 20, 2022

Many products, apps, and services allow you to control some aspects of how your personal information is collected, used, shared, or displayed.
Date Recorded: October 13, 2022

Keeping your operating system and apps up to date is one of the simplest and most important steps you can take to protect yourself from software vulnerabilities.
Date Recorded: October 6, 2022

Everywhere we go online, we are flooded with advertisements.
Date Recorded: July 28, 2022

It's important to protect your privacy and security across the apps that you download and use - but in the instance of menstrual tracking apps, your protection can be even more vital.
Date Recorded: June 7, 2022

On this webinar, learn more about CR’s recent investigation of PFAS in food packaging at national fast-food chains and grocery stores.
Date Recorded: April 21, 2022

Do you use a Virtual Private Network (VPN)? More people are turning to VPNs to boost their privacy and security but as more VPN services become available, we’ve learned that not all VPNs are created equal.
Date Recorded: March 31, 2022

Join our kick-off call for the Arizona Broadband Action and Learning Lab!  We’ll have weekly discussions, learn through an online course developed by Arizona State University, and connect together over Slack.
Date Recorded: February 17, 2022

In this workshop, experts from Consumer Reports, Consumers International, and Mozilla discussed algorithmic biases that lurk in dating apps and other consumer-facing programs.
Date Recorded: February 16, 2022

In this webinar, we discussed Consumer Reports’ examination of Amazon’s nationwide delivery network, and the inequitable impacts felt by nearby BIPOC communities.
Date Recorded: January 25, 2022

The holiday time is a busy time for online shopping - but lurking online are scams, counterfeit products, and bots.
Date Recorded: December 7, 2021

Congress recently passed the infrastructure bill, which includes funding for broadband improvements across the nation.
Date Recorded: November 18, 2021

Credit scores can make or break your financial future.
Date Recorded: October 13, 2021

The Public Service Loan Forgiveness is a great idea gone bad: student borrowers who work 10 years in public service were promised that their remaining student debt would be forgiven.
Date Recorded: September 14, 2021

In this webinar, we discussed ways to make broadband internet more affordable and accessible for everyone.
Date Recorded: August 17, 2021

The first in our virtual event series examining America’s water crisis and racial justice.
Date Recorded: August 11, 2021

The first in our virtual event series examining America’s water crisis and racial justice.
Date Recorded: August 4, 2021

Consumer Reports, along with a coalition of partners, is examining consumers' internet bills, usage, and speeds – groundbreaking research that we will use to advocate for affordable internet for all.
Date Recorded: June 29, 2021

Everyday, we’re exploited for profit through dark patterns: design tactics used in websites and apps to persuade you to do things you probably would not do otherwise.
Date Recorded: May 25, 2021

Mental Health apps can take a widely varied approach in helping people handle psychological challenges—and they are just as varied in how they handle the privacy of their users.
Date Recorded: April 27, 2021

This webinar focused on our latest investigation, How Safe Is Our Drinking Water?.
Date Recorded: April 7, 2021

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, Consumer Reports immediately engaged people on issues that mattered most during the crisis—their safety, health, and finances.
Date Recorded: March 22, 2021

A Virtual Private Network (VPN) can be essential to securing your internet connection as it can make it harder for others on your network to see what you do online.
Date Recorded: March 18, 2021

For already marginalized communities errors on a credit report could have an extremely negative impact on the financial health of a household.
Date Recorded: February 26, 2021

Consumer Reports and partners from Americans for Financial Reform and the National Association of Consumer Advocates will discuss how credit reports are making an already precarious financial situation even more so, and ways you can protect your financial health during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Date Recorded: February 25, 2021

Consumer Reports and partners from the Consumer Federation of America and the US Public Interest Research Group share the latest knowledge on checking your credit reports, common credit report errors to look for, and how these errors could result in a lower credit score.
Date Recorded: February 24, 2021

Kicking off a new year, we're doubling down on protecting ourselves and our loved ones.
Date Recorded: January 28, 2021

This post-screening discussion of Coded Bias focused on how we build a social movement to address the threat of artificial intelligence on our civil rights and democracy.
Date Recorded: December 14, 2020

What a year it has been!  Looking back on our digital wellness in 2020, a major theme we’ve seen is the continuous rise of misinformation online.
Date Recorded: December 9, 2020

This workshop focused on how to use the Security Planner tool to build yourself a custom, tailored set of recommendations to protect your data and privacy online.
Date Recorded: October 28, 2020

Working from home, learning from home, entertaining from home - it's all putting an increased strain on our home internet systems, and creating a demand for our internet connections to be better and faster than ever before.
Date Recorded: September 16, 2020

Your location data is valuable! Your phone or other device could be sharing important information about where and when you travel, as well as device information and how you access wifi points.
Date Recorded: August 6, 2020

CR's finance and aviation experts will share their insights, advice, and top tips on how to get cash refunds from airlines for flights cancelled during the coronavirus crisis, and discuss what the airlines and government should do to make the process more fair and easy.
Date Recorded: June 18, 2020

Feeling overwhelmed from flooded inboxes and more time spent online than ever before? Are you getting email updates from accounts you forgot you had or don’t remember signing up for? Consumer Reports Digital Lab wants to share how closing our old accounts online is good for our mental wellness and privacy, as well as share tips on how to reduce your digital footprint.
Date Recorded: May 28, 2020

Are your private discussions and personal details secure using this popular online video conferencing service? And can you take steps to make sure your Zoom event isn’t being monitored by hackers? Consumer Reports Digital Lab wants to help keep you safe online and protect your privacy.
Date Recorded: April 30, 2020

This workshop focused on how to use protect your privacy while using video conferencing platforms like Zoom, Skype, or Google Hangouts.
Date Recorded: April 2, 2020

This workshop focused on how to set strong passwords and why we recommend you use Password Managers.
Date Recorded: January 8, 2020