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quantacad's user avatar
  • Member for 2 years, 9 months
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33 votes

I am an assistant professor. In an email, how should I address an associate professor in a different university with no prior contact?

9 votes

How can I get to research stay?

9 votes

First authorship dispute between the research leader and the person who did the most important analysis. What is the solution?

7 votes

How do I request my teacher to stop apologizing and being too nice when correcting my mistakes?

7 votes

A small part of my transcript is hard to read; can I get into trouble?

7 votes

Annotating during a paper presentation at a conference

7 votes

Is it plagiarism to retell the sentences in textbook during closed book examination essay without a citation?

5 votes

Past or present tense, when reporting results?

5 votes

Is reading systematically collected articles one-by-one enough for publication or I should have any further stategy?

4 votes

How to write an abstract of paper mentioning the exhaustiveness with an emphasis on an unexplored case

4 votes

Can someone work part-time elsewhere and also full-time as PhD student (in Germany and Poland)?

4 votes

Reasons for differences in the Ph.D. admission process in India vs U.S. and Europe

4 votes

How to cite a whitepaper that was removed by vendor's website

3 votes

How to do research without being a star researcher?

3 votes

Is it normal to feel like my level is more like at the undergraduate level though I'm a PhD student?

3 votes

Submitting an abstract to a workshop without approval from all coauthors

2 votes

How long does it take to reach a decision after "Pending Decision Approval" status?

2 votes

Should I get into a masters program at one of the most prestigious universities in India but a lot of the syllabus has been covered in my bachelors

2 votes

Why do I need to declare parallel grant application(s)?

2 votes

Discussing gift authorship with advisor in diplomatic way

2 votes

What does "examples of achievements in non-research related activities" mean?

1 vote

My supervisor is blocking my major PhD work from being submitted. What should I do?

1 vote

Second PhD or MSc if one requires more research experience in a field

1 vote

Are international students required to submit certificates (diplomas) when applying for a PhD in the US?

1 vote

PI advertising the same project I'm working on

1 vote

Can I work full-time (remotely) while doing a PhD in Science?

1 vote

My second paper builds on the first, but may be published before the first. Will this be a problem?

0 votes

Including part of master's thesis in one's dissertation

0 votes

Submission for IEEE-template-based paper in Arxiv

-2 votes

To which EG (Entgeltgruppe) does a master's graduate belong to in Germany?