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On standards or conventions specific to physics as an academic discipline, and programs that lead to a degree in this field. For regular physics questions, visit our sister site Physics Stack Exchange.

3 votes

On Research Topic

How to pick a research topic is something you learn by doing a PhD, and coming up with the right question is probably one of the hardest bits of a research project. If you pick the wrong question to a …
N A McMahon's user avatar
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2 votes

How to get my motivation levels back up when I'm approaching burnout?

Is there something about biology you could find interesting, even if its not as interesting for you as physics and astrophysics. … If you struggle to see that, maybe look at "evo-devo" or "molecular shape of you" which cover biology at that level biased towards a physics perspective (the artist got a master's degree in high energy …
N A McMahon's user avatar
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33 votes

Is it fair to desk-reject a manuscript because it breaks relativity?

If they don't address the issue in the paper or claim this suggests an issue with their assumptions that should be addressed in future work then I'd say it’s fair. In addition, this is an extraordinar …
N A McMahon's user avatar
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1 vote

Should I apply for a second masters degree (PSI master's program) after already having done ...

and the other as theoretical physics. … The program is very challenging to get into but it covers lots of material in theoretical physics, though goes through this material very fast (and the entire lecture series is online). …
N A McMahon's user avatar
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