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On making a decision based on morals or common ethical codes instead of etiquette, rules, institutional or government policy, or technical or procedural reasons.

1 vote

Is it unethical to use ChatGPT to create abstracts?

In many of the conferences I'm involved with, the committee typically permits the use of ChatGPT for rephrasing, but not for original content creation. Thus, its acceptability largely hinges on your i …
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4 votes
3 answers

Is using the relatives’ friend’s recommendation inappropriate?

When applying for my postgraduate position, I browsed my future advisor’s web page in detail and surprisingly found that one of my relatives’ friend co-authored a paper with him. Then we reached out t …
hidemyname's user avatar
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1 answer

Is failing to cite similar work in a conference submission considered unethical?

My team and I recently encountered a situation where another research team, also funded by the same agency as us, had a paper accepted at a conference. Upon reviewing their paper, we noticed significa …
hidemyname's user avatar
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Is it unethical to change the affiliation of a published chapter from my PhD thesis after ca...

I completed my PhD research at the University, submitted my thesis draft for examination, and began working at a company co-founded by my PhD supervisor. Before completing my thesis examination, I sub …
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