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The one who helps students to select courses or an academic major, engages in short-term and long-term educational planning, assists in preparing the thesis necessary to obtain the degree; or a person who advises internship students on training in industry.

2 votes

Student supervision when student loses motivation to work

Boredom may be a problem here and he has not yet learned how to cope with that. Your job at this stage is to motivate him to do the best MSc possible for him (or at least the one that reflects his s …
Captain Emacs's user avatar
3 votes

Supervisor accuses other person of copying my PhD ideas and now he offers her my teachings n...

One lesson to learn for life (and it takes time): get angry slowly. Find the facts first. Understand the situation. And then, if you still believe you should get angry, but always in a controlled way. …
Captain Emacs's user avatar
1 vote

How to get an advisor for my amateur research?

If you have no research experience, it will be hard to convince any professional scientist to invest in you. Perhaps there is a team of enthusiasts in your community (or even online) who are happy to …
Captain Emacs's user avatar
5 votes

What should I do if advisor asks me to move to another university or lab for strange reasons?

They say that "loose tongues sink ships". That the situation on the whole is ticklish is not your fault. But talking in a sensitive situation is like smoking in a powder keg factory and throwing the …
Captain Emacs's user avatar
1 vote

What do you do with graduate students who don't want to work, sit around talk all day, and a...

I will separate the issue into different aspects. You seem to have too much of a "laissez faire" attitude in your lab. This is possible with a team of extremely high morale and it is possible to devel …
Captain Emacs's user avatar
9 votes

What should I do if I want to work in computer science but my advisor actively despises the ...

Well there was this guy, A, saying that B's field is on the way out. Turned out, it was the other way round. B's field is now big, A's field is on the way out. (True story) Whatever the case: do not …
Captain Emacs's user avatar
6 votes

How to work effectively with an unpredictable advisor?

She is a new professor, new to the job. Sometimes it may help to give her a indication what you would need from her, very diplomatic, very polite, but clear. If she does not follow up on that, conside …
Captain Emacs's user avatar
3 votes

Is it normal for my masters advisor to ask me not to share code from my masters work with my...

I think restricting the use of the code, if the advisor was a co-author, is a legitimate request (even if not protected by law, so you had in principle the option to - legally - ignore the request). …
Captain Emacs's user avatar
13 votes

Writing a letter of recommendation for your own, new grad student?

Several months, if you worked with the student, is plenty of time to get an informed impression, and especially so if your impression is good. This is how I would proceed: Write how you know/met the …
Captain Emacs's user avatar
12 votes

How do you advise an early career researcher who has an unrealistic opinion of their prospects?

Honestly, without putting down. Explain the weaknesses of their approach or profile, explain what they would have to change in your opinion to get where they want and explain what they can do if it …
Captain Emacs's user avatar
22 votes

Can advisor list a former PhD student, who changed advisors, in his/her CV?

TL;DR: Yes, he can. He can list you; probably he'll hide that you left him, but who cares? You graduated and whenever you apply, your CV will show that. Nobody will check his CV for your graduation. T …
Captain Emacs's user avatar
9 votes

Assessing a potential supervisor who had a fallout with a previous PhD student

Interview other PhD students instead of the supervisor. Maybe this one dropout had a personality conflict with the supervisor, or some other axe to grind; it happens even to reasonable supervisors; …
Captain Emacs's user avatar
2 votes

My project is being reassigned to a postdoc and I will no longer be involved in it out of a ...

Once you have "cooled down", ask for a meeting where you ask for feedback from your advisor. …
Captain Emacs's user avatar
8 votes

How to refuse to work with graduate students?

Assuming you really do not want to work with them and not even check them out if they are suitable candidates, the response is simply: "I do not currently have available slots for grad students." Not …
Captain Emacs's user avatar
2 votes

PhD supervisor complaining about not getting paid for supervision

I think if it's just ranting, there are such supervisors. However, if the supervisor seriously is trying to wheedle money out of a PhD student, that's utterly unacceptable. Maybe your supervisor just …
Captain Emacs's user avatar

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