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Questions tagged [visa]

Legal document authorising entry to, exit from, and/or employment within a country.

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2 answers

UK visa- does certificate of sponsorship still necessary when your postdoc salary covered by a outside institution?

I got a postdoctoral scholarship from a Turkish Science Institution. It covers a monthly stipend for a year and travel expenses. A university in the UK accepted me as a "postdoctoral fellow"....
skarlet's user avatar
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How to take leaves as a Visiting Researcher? [closed]

I am a PhD student employed by a German university, and I am in the middle of a six-month J1 visa in the US as a visiting researcher in another university, still paid by my German employer. Those six ...
Mai Kar's user avatar
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Can one attend a conference in the UK with a mere tourist visa?

Is it ok to attend a conference on a tourist visa, or is it considered "unpaid work"? I am going to a conference in England in December. As a French citizen, I wondered if I needed a visa, ...
J..y B..y's user avatar
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I am an international PhD student and I want to do a visiting research VISA, Which type of visa should I do ? ( I want finance myself )

I am a Tunisian PhD student, at my last year of PhD, I found a lab from UK and I want to do a visiting research PhD with them (during 7 months), PS: I will finance myself. I don't have a big ...
Noober's user avatar
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Should I look for a job in a foreign country before I get there to pursue my Ph.D.? [closed]

I got accepted to a Ph.D. program in New Zealand. For now, I have enough funding to cover only my first year of study, which is why I plan to work in that country while I study. Is it advisable to ...
Cel45's user avatar
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Should I accept offers from universities in two different countries to account for any possible uncertainties in getting visas?

I’ve received an offer letter for B.Sc Computer Science from San Francisco State University (CA, USA) and Wilfrid Laurier University (ON, Canada). After accepting the offer letter from SFSU, I also ...
Rehmat Singh Gill's user avatar
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What is the exact rule for 12 months work permit find period after PhD study

Does anybody know about the exact rules that a PhD student have work find permit period after studies? I need to know exactly how long after studies could someone stay for finding job? Another ...
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J-1 Postdoc visa, sponsor change

I have two postdoctoral job offers (both under the J-1 category, different sponsors). My questions are: If I apply for J-1 with the DS-160 issued by one of the sponsors, if my visa is eventually ...
Hans's user avatar
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tt Assistant Professor position in math at a smaller university or liberal arts college [closed]

I have some questions on the prospects to get a tt Assistant Professor position in math at a smaller university or liberal arts college in the US as a foreigner. I am from a european country and on ...
Anonymous math job seeker's user avatar
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2 answers

Can an F-1 visa holder work outside of the university?

Is it possible for an F-1 visa holder who is an international PhD student in the US, work outside of the university? Also, is it possible for him to establish a company and work for his company during ...
GoodMan's user avatar
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How to manage work permit stress along with research work? [closed]

Since academia especially in postdoctoral contracts requires researchers to move around, I suppose being in academia in the long-term would make most people think about the work permit/visa situation ...
Wandering_Alice's user avatar
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Do I have the right to work in the UK?

I'm a graduate student in the United States in biomedical sciences applying for a postdoctoral research associate job at a university in the UK. In the online application, it asks "Do you have ...
fcw26's user avatar
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Working hours of a TVL13/50% contract

I have an offer of a TVL13/50% contract for a PhD in Germany. This corresponds to roughly a 20h work-week. Visa-wise, I must adhere to the following constraint: The temporary residence permit ...
cab20's user avatar
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5 answers

Applying for a PhD during the pandemic

A buddy of mine who lives in Amsterdam told me that it is not a good idea to apply for a PhD as an international student because the chance of getting admission is narrow these days. I would just pay ...
Afshin's user avatar
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Returning to the US as faculty during COVID [closed]

Question: I am a non-US citizen on an H1B visa trying to return from the EU (Germany) to the US to teach face-to-face classes this Fall. What are my options to get across the border as long as the ...
darij grinberg's user avatar

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