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Questions tagged [tuition]

Fees paid by students to academic institutes they attend to cover educational expenses.

37 votes
8 answers

What is the socio-economic argument or historical basis for university tuition fees?

One of the major differences between Europe (here I am mainly referring to Scandinavia) and Northern America, from an academic viewpoint, is the perspective towards higher education. In Scandinavia ...
posdef's user avatar
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21 votes
6 answers

Why is college tuition high, but academic salaries low?

Where is the money going to? How can it be that interested students pay so much, but many academic salaries are so low (excluding the obvious full professor in a field where the industry pays for ...
Quora Feans's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Are tuition subsidies taxables for research staff?

I have two Bachelor degrees and an MMath, not looking for any more degrees at this time, but I might be interested in taking some Japanese and Chinese language courses. I'm working as a research ...
cnst's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Should I take OSAP (student loans) even if I can pay for my tuition? [closed]

This is something I have been pondering for a while. I am currently in my second year at University and my program comes with mandatory Co-op throughout the 4 years of study. I have completed 3 Co-op ...
stackErr's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Do I have a MSc degree if I did the work but did not pay tuition?

I have a BSc degree from a private university in Egypt. The university offered me a scholarship at the beginning of the program but that scholarship applied only partially to a subsequent MSc degree. ...
user6864's user avatar
  • 123
5 votes
1 answer

What does undergraduate tuition fund, and how does this differ between public universities and private universities in the U.S.?

Does undergraduate tuition help fund professor salaries? Does it help fund graduate student salaries, especially if the grad students are TAs? What about lab facilities?
InquilineKea's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

What are factors leading to rising tuition costs over time?

Is there any published work that quantifies the roles of different factors on rising tuition in the U.S. over the past half-century? I've heard a number of explanations bandied about, such as: ...
Lorin Hochstein's user avatar

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