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Does a Teaching Assistantship get counted as Teaching Experience when applying for teaching position in India?

In the Indian academic system, does one's teaching experience such as being a teaching assistant count towards one's application for an Assistant Professorship? My TAship involved everything from ...
vindalulu's user avatar
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Is there generally a relationship between a dept's research grant numbers and the teaching loads they give PhD students?

To me, one of the most important factors that differentiates a good PhD program in the US and a bad one is the teaching expectations placed on the student. In some departments, PhD students are ...
joshisanonymous's user avatar
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Does TAing the same course repeatedly help your academic career path?

I'm a PhD student specializing in computer vision, with a previous Master's degree. Until now, I have TAed the 5xx course "Introduction to Computer Vision" twice, and 4 other courses (...
kalyan g's user avatar
-2 votes
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Feasibility and Legality of Simultaneously Being a TA and RA During a PhD Program in Different Countries

I am currently exploring the possibility of undertaking a PhD and have a query regarding the roles of Teaching Assistant (TA) and Research Assistant (RA). I am particularly interested in understanding ...
Iman Mohammadi's user avatar
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Advice on class teaching as a beginner with public-speaking anxiety

I am a first year PhD student in Mathematics and I am teaching a first year undergraduate tutorial-style class. I have done lots of one-on-one tutoring before and quite enjoyed it, but I am struggling ...
user428487's user avatar
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Should a TA position which requires teaching a class offer more money than one that doesn't?

I am currently a PhD student (international) at a University in the US (TX). I was offered a TA position, however the position requires me to work as an instructor of the course. I worked before as ...'s user avatar
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Does a teaching assistant position improve your PhD application?

I am currently working on a Master's degree in mathematics and was recently offered a teaching assistant position for a graduate-level course that covers material I am really comfortable with. My ...
Meliodas's user avatar
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Should I ask the program coordinator regarding an offered PhD TAship for 11 months?

I have been offered a Ph.D. position in the USA where the offer says 'the admission comes with an 11 month per year teaching assistantship that carries a $2,000/month stipend, health insurance, and a ...
Black Sheep's user avatar
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Do you graduate slower with TA funding for PhD students?

I am in computer science in the usa with a PHD offer. I’ve been told that if u get funded with a TA position, it doesn’t necessarily slow your graduation time. Is this true? It seems obvious to me ...
123movies's user avatar
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Is it unusual for UK univerisities to give tuition waivers to teaching assistants?

I've been checking the websites of different UK universities for teaching assistantship benefits. None of the websites I've visited so far disclose the specific benefits that TAs receive. So, I wonder ...
user142509's user avatar
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Is it polite to ask about scholarship/assistantship opportunities during a Ph.D. interview at a UK university?

I am scheduled for an interview in August for a Ph.D. program that I applied to at a UK university. However, even if I get an offer of place on the program, I would not be able to accept it unless I ...
Ray's user avatar
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14 votes
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Is it okay to publish less and teach more during your PhD? (CS USA)

Background: I read this Quora post where someone mentioned they TA'ed pretty much their entire PhD tenure and took up extra TA spots as well for the same because they really liked teaching. The person ...
Academic's user avatar
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Is my university using TA's excessively?

Currently, at a broad level, the scenario I am observing is as follows: Tasks by Instructor (assistant professor, associate professor, professor) Collecting presentations from either the internet or ...
hanugm's user avatar
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17 votes
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What to do about past errors or inconsistencies in assignments I graded?

I was a grader for my university couple of years ago. I'm also a PhD student. Out of the five semesters I graded..I got a "not fit for rehire" 3 times. I was not responsive, didn't cater to ...
Remore1112's user avatar
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query related to Teaching Assistantship award

As a newly admitted student in PhD program, I have been awarded TA ship by my department for academic year Fall 2020-spring 2021. the stipend is quite generous that is 2300usd/month. In funding letter ...
demet's user avatar
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