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Where to check free of charge the impact factors of all journals

Where can one check free of charge the impact factors of all journals? seems to be one but it's not open to those with no subscription. Many other sources only show other metrics but ...
feynman's user avatar
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Historical impact factors of journals

Is there any database/resource/website providing the full historical impact factors of a journal? Scimago gives graphs of citations (kinda IF), but it only backs to 1999. I look for a database having ...
Googlebot's user avatar
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If my papers are always accepted, should I submit future papers to journals more diffficult to get published in?

I have written several papers, all of them got accepted (by different journals) with only minor (or even very minor) revisions. Naturally, I am happy about having my research published, especially ...
Sursula's user avatar
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How to cite a drug name in AMA Style journal article?

In my paper, I have used a drug name called Metformin. But I received a comment from Editor to cite the drug name. May I know how can I cite the drug name in AMA style? There could be multiple ...
The Great's user avatar
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Is there a list of the largest academic journal publishers, ordered by the number of journals they publish?

One can manually browse through scholarly publishers' websites and see the number of journals they publish, such as: Elsevier: ca. 4.330 journals SAGE: ca. 1.200 journals Inderscience: ca. 430 ...
anpami's user avatar
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How to find if a paper is in top 10% most cited articles in a journal?

I saw in some applications that some researchers state that their papers are in top 10% most cited articles, but they never state how they calculated this. I have tried Web of Knowledge and there are ...
CuriousPaul's user avatar
-2 votes
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What % of publications should be in top quartile journals?

I've searched the forums but can't find anything specific to this question so I hope someone can help. Recently I've been told that I need to better strategise my publishing as I'm not publishing in ...
researchD's user avatar
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Is there any relation between them like ESCI is less than SCIE and SCIE is less than SCI?

I am having a hard time figuring out the difference between excellent,good,average and bad journals. I checked this link from where I figured out about ESCI,SCI,SCIE ...
Learnmore's user avatar
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How is the Scimago journal ranking (Q1-Q4) defined?

What does it mean that a journal is ranked Q1 according to Scimago Journal and Country Rank?
Sapiens's user avatar
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Does the academic community perceive letters and short articles differently from longer articles?

There are some journals that accept short articles of 2 to 4 pages. I have submitted (and had accepted) such a letter (Cannot specifically name the letter) which is 2 pages in length but it is a SCI-...
SJa's user avatar
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19 votes
10 answers

Curious case of self-citations and how to monitor self-citers?

If one looks superficially at the publications of author X, he seems to be one of the top scientists in his field. But looking more closely his citations are 60% from himself 35% from his co-author, ...
Ramanathan Varadharajan's user avatar
30 votes
9 answers

Is the reputation/prestige of the scientific journals where you published a paper really important?

Excuse me for the naive question, but is the reputation/prestige of the journal you chose for your publication really important? In the end, I believe the scientific content of your paper must be the ...
larry's user avatar
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Journal's website states different and much higher impact factor than what I found on Scopus. What do I do?

I looked up the website of a journal where someone I know had published research. They listed their Scopus impact factor as a number that is much higher than when I searched the website of Scopus. I ...
Buffer Over Read's user avatar
9 votes
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Why reference articles from and/or submit articles to low impact factor journals?

I recently read this FAQ that explains a bit about impact factors. After reading, I was curious... what would be some reasons why researchers would use papers from a low-impact factor journal, say, a ...
user75551's user avatar
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7 votes
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High impact journals - Do they always guarantee high quality papers?

In academia is common to hear the phrase 'publish or perish' and also that your articles have to be of high quality. So e.g. 4 articles in low impact journals worth as 1 article in a well ranked ...
no_one's user avatar
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Is it good to have all the PhD publications in one journal

I have two papers published in a APS journal and another paper just got accepted to the same journal (the journal is a reputed one in my field). It has been almost two years for my PhD. So I have ...
QuantumGirl's user avatar
11 votes
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How can I judge whether an alternative "impact factor" is from an accepted and genuine source?

So I was wondering whether the SJIF (Scientific Journal Impact Factor) calculation was authentic and accepted. How can someone identify whether an alternative impact factor is generally accepted and ...
Arturo Belano's user avatar
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Is a "Scientific Journal Impact Factor" of around 4 or 5 good for a philosophy journal?

I am considering (for a variety of reasons) submitting an article to a philosophy journal, which happens to have a Scientific Journal Impact Factor of 4.699. This would be my first submission. Is ...
Arturo Belano's user avatar
15 votes
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When should I publish in interdisciplinary versus subject-specific scientific journals?

Most science research is published in subject-specific journals, of which there are many. However, there are a relatively small number of interdisciplinary journals, some of which are the most highly ...
Chris's user avatar
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Which quantitative metrics are there of the quality and prestige of journals, and how do they compare?

I have seen several different metrics that are applied for ranking journals: Impact Factor, SJR, and H-index. Which of these is the most useful and robust for comparisons with respect to the quality ...
Ahed's user avatar
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1 answer

What is Cumulative Impact Index of a journal?

I recently came across the term "Cumulative Impact Index". I came to know about it here, which includes the statement, "publication of 5 International Journal papers, each Journal having a cumulative ...
SUBHABRATA's user avatar
19 votes
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What is the relationship between impact factor and journal ranking

As a second year graduate student, it's become increasingly difficult for me to figure out what journals are the most prestigious. My research is very interdisciplinary, and so journals from many ...
James's user avatar
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How do I know the impact factor of a certain journal is true? [duplicate]

I am new in publishing, I have never published a paper, and nowaday there are too many online journals. That made me suspicious about their reputation, and it is not easy for me as a beginner in ...
k123's user avatar
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23 votes
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Is there an independent oversight body of Journal Impact Factors?

I have read many questions on this site that relate to Journal impact factors, for example, in relation to how that may affect where to publish etc. I am wondering is there an independent oversight ...
gman's user avatar
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Is it important to publish my article in a journal indexed on Thomson ISI?

If a journal is not indexed this way, is it an academically honorable one?
Juya's user avatar
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How do i find top journals in my area of interest?

How can you find the top journals in a scientific field? I am an HCI graduate student, but I sometimes write to industrial engineering articles if it involves ergonomics. Right now, I'm trying to ...
james234's user avatar
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What are the super cool tricks to getting published in high impact journals?

I am starting a post-doc in Cognitive Neuroscience and I am interested in publishing my work in high impact journals (e.g., Nature, Science, Behavioral and Brain Science). I have already published ...
user10780's user avatar
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Strategy for submission of articles to highly ranked journals

I am working on a research project that all total will probably end up lasting about two years. As the research progresses, I am writing articles about each new discovery/study, with each article ...
James's user avatar
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7 answers

How do I get published in Nature or Science?

I'm a fairly new chemical engineering graduate student. I've been doing research for one semester so far (in molecular dynamics) and in the process have learned about journals and "impact factor" (a ...
James's user avatar
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14 votes
4 answers

Where to find journal impact factors stripped of self-citation?

Where can I find a database of impact factors where self-citation has been removed? A journal's self-citations are defined as those citations by that journal's papers towards other papers in the same ...
Jase's user avatar
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54 votes
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Towards a Stackexchange-like comment/reputation system for research papers

We have had quite a few discussions on how to gauge the quality of research papers and academic journals. The consensus is that it is tough to identify a single metric which could reveal this quality ...
Bravo's user avatar
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Does Impact Factor reflect the quality of a journal?

Is the impact factor really useful for judging the quality of a journal article?
ShadowWarrior's user avatar