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16 votes
7 answers

My result is accepted in a journal as an errata, but the editors want to change the authorship

We submitted a result claiming that a paper by an associate editor (of the same journal) contained a proposition that is proven mistaken by us, and furthermore, the proof of a theorem is incomplete. ...
High GPA's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

What happens if two reviewers have incompatible recommendations for a paper?

I submitted a paper to an IOP journal (classical and quantum gravity) two or three months back and two reviewers were assigned. One of them was ok with the paper and recommended it for publication but ...
TheFyziker's user avatar
-5 votes
6 answers

How to publish independently in top journals?

I am a second year PhD student. I also worked on topics outside my thesis. The results are good and I want to submit it to top journals. However, I am surprised by the attitude of most of the editors ...
Robin's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Journal editor demands changes to article published online two years ago

Three years ago I wrote a manuscript and submitted it to a well-known journal in my field. After a few months, I received the reviews, which were extremely positive, but suggested minor improvements. ...
Observer's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

two months with no confirmation from editor

I submitted an article to an academic journal about two months ago (not through a website but directly to an editor's email, because the submission via email is the required way) but received no ...
Ramil Sunday's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Waiting time for editor's decision for an article with status "Reviews Completed" for 4 months?

The academic journal paper I submitted to a Q1 Springer journal has been in the position of "Review Completed" since February 6, 2023, and is still in that status as of today, June 21, 2023. ...
user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Journal Paper Review (Computer Science) taking so long? How to proceed?

I submitted a journal paper to Springer's SN Computer Science Journal. Below is the time line 18th Nov, 2021 --> Manuscript Submitted 15th Feb, 2022 --> Editor Decision (Major Revision) 1st ...
user169639's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

We appealed an editor's decision and sent a revised version, but he hasn't acknowledged it since 5 weeks

This is about a post-review rejection. This is one of the top journals in our field. The reviewers found our work interesting but sent a long list of controls and additional experiments to do. The ...
jadedgradstudent's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

How to ask politely the editor to urge the reviewers to finish the reviews in the best short time

I want to respectfully ask the editor to finish the review of my paper in the shortest time possible, because I got an early deadline to defend my thesis. Here are some details on the review process ...
Xiao Wangzi's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

How to react when the editor responds to a withdrawal by asking for the LaTeX file?

I submitted a manuscript to a journal, but due to an issue with that I asked the Editor-in-Chief and Associate Editor to withdraw the manuscript from further consideration. The response of the Editor-...
Yuji's user avatar
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21 votes
5 answers

Is it normal that the editor says "the referee report is for editor's eye only so I cannot share it with you"?

I recently receive an editorial letter that is unwilling to share referee reports. The letter explicitly mentions the existence of such report but the editor don't want to send it to me. Is not ...
dodo's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Is it common to not have comments when reviewing a revision of a paper?

After reviewing a journal paper, I typically receive the revision of the paper to review. This is expected, but most often, my comments are addressed by the authors, and I have no further comments. I ...
Ralff's user avatar
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-1 votes
3 answers

Should I contact journal editor?

I submitted an article to a journal last year in July. It took some months for it to be processed and peer reviewer to be assigned. I received the first decision in March (major revisions). The ...
Naadz's user avatar
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9 votes
5 answers

What is the meaning when the editor says a paper is "provocative"?

Here is a letter of rejection sent by Quarter Journal of Economics, to a big name professor. This letter is publicly available online. Many thanks for your interesting and provocative paper. I have ...
dodo's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Are there censored editions of academic journals?

I was taught as an undergraduate to be very careful when using and citing reprints of older books because they were frequently edited, abridged, or even censored. I was specifically warned not to use ...
Robert Columbia's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Submitting two articles to the same publisher (but not the same journal)

A bit similar to Submitting two articles to the same journal at the same time but not exactly. I was wondering about the strategy for publishing two related, but separate papers. Could there be a ...
user129412's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Is it common for a journal to reject (or accept) a paper before all reviewers have submitted their reports?

Suppose that a paper is submitted to a journal and that the editor decides to sent it out to two reviewers. Each reviewer agrees to return the report in X months; however, it turns out that one of ...
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0 votes
2 answers

What would be the next step after revising a manuscript? [duplicate]

After receiving a report on a manuscript from the referee, then the revised version must be submitted to the editor. In this step, will the revised version be sent to referee again to check that or ...
user40491's user avatar
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0 answers

Submission not visible anymore after 4 months with the journal [duplicate]

I submitted a paper to a journal and after four months, the status changed to "decision in progress". After 2 days, I cannot see my submission anymore. I am co-author. What happend?
ali golbabaei's user avatar
17 votes
2 answers

Should I withdraw my paper because review is taking too long?

I submitted an article to a prestigious journal JCR Q1 about 20 months ago. It took more than 6 months for them to send the article for review. But it was worth it. The reviewers did a good job and ...
Natorp87's user avatar
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2 answers

When submitting a major revision, does it matter whether the revised manuscript or the response to reviewers appears first?

I submitted a major revision for an article to a World Scientific journal today. However I am in a confused state. I had to submit two documents: 1. Revised Manuscript, 2. Response to Reviewers, both ...
Charlotte's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

Are journals allowed to publish papers without a final approval from a reviewer?

Is it true that in most peer-reviewed journals the editorial office can decide to publish a paper without at least one reviewer approving some version to be published as is? I am asking whether they ...
i.m's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Editor Declined Invitation is a bad thing?

I recently submitted an article to an Elsevier journal and under the current status, it says: "Editor Declined Invitation". What does this mean? Will this result in a rejection or is there ...
Catologist_who_flies_on_Monday's user avatar
0 votes
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Too long review process due to editor: withdraw and re-upload?

I have submitted my paper to Elsevier journal, got confirmation, ID and status: under review. As months passed by, I have written several emails to: editorial manager, editor-in-chief and handling ...
Martin G's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Timeline of "Quick opinions" in math journal refereeing

Some years ago a fair number of mathematics journals started to ask for one or more "quick opinions" by experts on a received manuscript before sending it out for peer-review (with the ...
Sanjeet's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Letter for journal's editor about the importance of the paper under review

I have sent one of the Ph.D. (2019) chapters to a journal two months ago. Today, I found a preprint (Feb 2021) of one of the strongest key authors of my field. Her preprint talking about a similar ...
Maryam's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Is it ethical for a journal to reject an accepted article because they decided not to publish the issue

I am stuck in an unfortunate situation caused by a journal and its editorial team. I have an accepted article through a special issue of a journal and the article is now in early access. My paper has ...
Selestine's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Awaiting AE recommendation - Can be rejected? [duplicate]

I already referred to this post, post, post I recently submitted my paper to a journal 40-45 days back. For the first 10 days, it was reviewed by the managing editor and sent to us for some format ...
The Great's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Why isn't it common for papers in pure and applied math (and other related fields) to be modified/corrected after it has been published?

As research grows even more intricate in fields such as pure and applied math (and other technical areas), very few reviewers now have a complete picture of any single field. Thus it should be common ...
Fraïssé's user avatar
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1 answer

What is considered a standard time for asking a status update from the editor for various stages of peer-review?

What is considered a standard time for asking a status update from the editor for various stages of peer-review? I have heard that editors get irritated for asking a status update for the manuscript. ...
Learnmore's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Submitted wrong file while submitting the revision

My paper has been accepted in a journal with minor revision. However, while submitting the revision I mistakenly submitted a wrong file. What to do in this case ? Should I inform the editor ? Thanks
RIchard Williams's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Does registering in Editorial Manager® and indicating that I am available as a reviewer increase my chances of being invited to review manuscripts?

Do editors check the database of registered users in Editorial Manager®, their keywords and ORCID records when selecting reviewers? I believe the majority of reviewers are assigned based on the ...
BIal's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Editor reviews paper directly

Is it possible for an editor to review the paper directly without inviting another reviewer if the editor feels familiar with the content studied in the paper?
Hebe's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

How to escalate a complaint about errors produced by a journal from the Nature publishing group when Editor doesn't respond

We have a scientific paper that was published at the beginning of this year in "Scientific Reports", an open-access journal by the Nature publishing group. However, upon publication, as authors we ...
user135626's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Will a top journal at least read my introduction?

I'm currently preparing an article for a very good journals in mathematics (AMS, Acta, Advances, etc.). I have never had a result worthy of these journals until now. I would like to know whether I ...
Douglas Sirk's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to response to the editor for a minor suggestion given by the reviewer via a formal letter?

I submitted a paper and after about five months the editor sent an email: "I have decided that your manuscript can be accepted for publication after you have carried out the corrections as suggested ...
user106988's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

More than 2 months with status 'Editor assigned ' ; is it normal? [duplicate]

I'm a bit worried because my paper have been more than 2 months "with editor" status. It's a computer science journal , from a famous editorial. Normally we have the option to send an e-mail to the ...
Alize C's user avatar
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-1 votes
3 answers

Editor is asking for two referees and single column

I submitted a double columned paper to a journal and the editor returned my email with requests such as: Several formatting changes including making the paper single column, no automatic features ...
meta truth's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How long does it take for the first round review of physical review letters?

I am wondering how long it takes for the first round review for physical review letters (PRL) on average. I have three referees. One of the referees returned the report in 4 weeks. But the other two ...
New Kolege's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to mail the editor asking to withdraw my submission?

How do I say to the editor that I want to withdraw my paper from his journal? I had submitted a paper to a journal 10 days back. When I checked recently, the status was showing "Under Review". But ...
user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

When can I know the updated status from reviewer or editor after i submit a revised manuscript to that publisher? [duplicate]

I have submitted a revised manuscript to an international journal of quantum chemistry at 8 August. My articles status still remain under review, I also don't know my article get accepted or rejected, ...
Koh PIN WAI's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Manuscript transferred from editor to editor [duplicate]

I recently submitted a manuscript for publication, and soon after received a message saying that it was "with Editor". A few days later, I received a message saying it was "transferred to Associate ...
iwantmyphd's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

What does a managing editor do in scientific journal editorial board?

I need to contact the editorial board of a journal I recently submitted an article to about an issue, and I am having some thoughts as to who would be the appropriate person to contact. I know that ...
posdef's user avatar
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1 answer

Can nice pictures be a deciding factor?

Let's say Paper A was recently accepted by a fairly prestigious journal (the top in my subfield). Now, there is a new Paper B, half of which gives a more detailed description of an object in Paper A ...
Forever Mozart's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

What to do on a desk reject of a revised paper?

Since this is a longer story, let me first give some background: We submitted a publication to a journal in the field of engineering. The article remained on the status “with editor” for more than ...
n1000's user avatar
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10 votes
6 answers

What to do if the editor's decision is not in your favor?

I had recently developed a method and submitted as a manuscript to a journal. Out of four reviewers, three accepted the method and asked for some clarifications about the method:- 2 with major ...
Kay's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Delayed manuscript publication by publishers

I am a PhD candidate in biology. I have a paper that I need to be published for me to graduate. It was accepted for publication in November 2017. I returned corrected proofs in December. In January ...
xavier's user avatar
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21 votes
1 answer

Is there a website for rating and reviewing journals openly?

I always found remarkable that whilst the job of all my colleagues boils down to publishing papers, everyone seems so reserved and hesitant when it comes to discussing journals openly. For instance, ...
Scientist's user avatar
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Withdrawing a journal article after acceptance?

I'm a college student, and this summer I submitted an article to a non-profit journal, which only accepts submissions from college students. About a week ago I was informed that it was tentatively ...
cschu25's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How to submit a manuscript in two parts?

I have a new manuscript to be published in an Elsevier engineering journal that has a maximum limit of 8000 words. I can't fit the content in this space. Fortunately, the manuscript can be easily ...
Muhammed A. Zidan's user avatar

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