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Questions tagged [europe]

On standards or conventions specific to the higher education system in Europe which differ in structure and style from the systems in other parts of the world. Keep in mind that many different countries, customs and regulations coexist in Europe, so many questions will not have a unique answer that applies to the whole continent.

15 votes
3 answers

Does it make sense for the professor to write a recommendation letter that is directly readable by the student?

It seems that US universities usually provide a link to the professor of the applicant, and let him/her directly upload the recommendation letter to that link, meaning that the student would have no ...
xji's user avatar
  • 335
32 votes
5 answers

PhD in the US compared to Europe

I start my master studies this fall in quantitative finance/economics in Europe. Since this will just take 3-4 semesters I want to take a look ahead and obviously PhD is one option to do. So I am ...
user3522479's user avatar
41 votes
7 answers

Why are US PhDs different from European PhDs?

So apparently I heard from here, here and here about the differences in PhDs in the US and in Europe. To sum up, it takes longer, on average, in the US than in Europe to finish a PhD since US PhD ...
BCLC's user avatar
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21 votes
5 answers

How should I email quite a few professors for PhD positions while also not 'mass emailing'?

I will be applying for PhD positions towards the end of this year and maybe early 2023. My query is specifically about cold emailing professors in Europe about possible PhD positions. Until now, I ...
YeatTheorem's user avatar
33 votes
6 answers

Education or employment: What is a post-doc? What is a PhD student?

I’m afraid this question is mostly opinion-based, but I was wondering if there is any piece of material out there that covers the spectrum of opinions. What exactly is a post-doc? Is it an education, ...
user1202136's user avatar
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3 votes
6 answers

PhD in Europe without scholarship from non-European homeland

I earned my bachelors in Computer Engineering from my home country. I am now enrolled in a Physics masters program in the same university. Next year I plan to find a different university in Europe in ...
fronthem's user avatar
  • 221
24 votes
5 answers

Can I live off post-docs?

I'm currently a theoretical/mathematical physics PhD student in Brazil. I still have little more than a year until my PhD finishes, and as far as tradition goes, it's soon time to look for a post-doc ...
QuantumBrick's user avatar
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8 votes
6 answers

European Ph.D. student salary range web site [closed]

Is there any web site that shows average Ph.D. student salaries in European countries, and also information about living cost and so on? update: what about France and Germany?
M R R's user avatar
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51 votes
6 answers

How do I know how well I am progressing in my PhD?

A striking difference between being a student following courses and a PhD student doing research is the independence and lack of rigid structures such as homework and exams. I started a PhD in ...
PianoEntropy's user avatar
48 votes
10 answers

Is education in Europe really this cheap?

Is tuition in Europe really US$300 or €200 a year? That is one tenth the cost of the tuition in the developing country university where I took my bachelor's and master's. Is it really true that some ...
BCLC's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

How to improve myself as a recitation (discussion,lab,tutorial) teacher?

This question is related to How to improve myself as a lecturer?. However, being a PhD student, my main teaching obligation is leading recitations, i.e. sessions for groups of ~20 students that take ...
M. B.'s user avatar
  • 296
11 votes
3 answers

Doing a habilitation in Mathematics in Europe for a non EU citizen?

I'm a non-EU citizen, currently doing a postdoc in mathematics in Europe, and I'm thinking of doing a habilitation. Since my google search didn't yield much, I'd appreciate if you could please answer ...
Science Man's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

What should I do now to go ahead and restart my aspirations to become an appropriate candidate for a Ph.D. program?

According to Dr. Daniel G. Amen, each person has his personal definition of success. Therefore, you can't argue with anyone regarding their personal definition of success. My personal definition of ...
user366312's user avatar
  • 5,840
8 votes
2 answers

What is a European Doctorate Programme?

I am currently a PhD student in a EU country and recently I was advised to pursue a European Doctorate Programme. I thought that, being "European", it was some kind of regulated, inter-country ...
AkiRoss's user avatar
  • 183
7 votes
8 answers

Pursuing a less exciting PhD research topic at a top-ranked university VS doing more interesting research at a lesser-known university?

I'm currently in the process of applying to different PhD Programs, and I have a very specific topic/theme in mind that I would like to work on and that resonates deeply with my personal mission, ...
meraxes's user avatar
  • 161
7 votes
5 answers

Why is the Marie Curie Individual Fellowship only for 'experienced researchers'?

The Marie Curie Individual Fellowship (IF) has the following eligibility requirement: "Researchers must be experienced researchers (ER), i.e. at the date of the call deadline (for IF) ... be in ...
Anonymous's user avatar
  • 429
5 votes
2 answers

How are mathematics PhDs from the USA viewed in mainland European universities?

Do American-educated mathematics PhDs generally have an advantage over natively educated PhDs (in, say, France or Italy) in applying for research positions?
Danny's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

How much actual funding does a Marie Curie fellowship entail?

The EU has a research fellowship program named after Physicist Marie Skłodowska-Curie. The website lacks a bunch of information, but I'm specifically interested in understanding what kind of funding ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Can I be admitted to a master's in the USA after a 3-year European bachelor's program?

I am an Indian citizen and I'm planning to go for my bachelors to Germany. Since schooling in Germany is 13 years in length, I'll study 1 year in India before going there. I wanted to ask that after ...
Rahul baboota's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

What protections exist in the European Union against discrimination in an educational institution?

For those who aren't familiar with it, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act ("504" for short) is the U.S. law that protects the civil rights of students with disabilities at institutions that receive ...
aparente001's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

You must have a relevant Bachelor's degree to get into European grad schools in sciences? [closed]

Using Bio-sciences as an example, below seems to be the norm for admission prerequisites. US grad school in Bio-sciences: Have taken Bio 1 & 2, Chem 1 & 2, Physics 1 & 2 + some upper ...
Prunes's user avatar
  • 47
132 votes
14 answers

How to build healthy working relationships with my male colleagues as a young-ish, attractive-ish woman?

I'm a PhD candidate from Asia currently visiting a prestigious university in Europe. Recently I've noticed quite some "strange" behaviours of male "colleagues" around me (by "colleagues", I don't mean ...
Randomvisitor's user avatar
54 votes
9 answers

How to deal with systematic rigging of academic position job postings?

In a discussion with some of my close friends in other academic institutes, we noticed the common experience* in which it seems that well over 80% of the advertised job postings for permanent or ...
Hjan's user avatar
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52 votes
6 answers

Do universities prefer not to hire their own PhD graduates in faculty positions? [closed]

I have heard that universities tend not to hire people who earned their PhD there for professorships (tenured or not). (I've read this question, but it's about postdocs: Is it normal that research ...
Azor Ahai -him-'s user avatar
36 votes
3 answers

Teaching the daughter of a lecturer, while being simultaneously enrolled in his course

I'm a student in a bachelor program at a local university, while I'm also a teacher (professional school) of apprenticeship students within the same sphere of study. A few days ago I received the ...
Theo's user avatar
  • 301
34 votes
5 answers

What is the "chalk talk" at job interviews?

It was only recently that I heard about the academic "chalk talk" at job interviews (from biologist friends). As I understand, this is a closed-doors talk the applicant must give to the existing ...
Laure's user avatar
  • 351
31 votes
4 answers

What are the long-term advantages of a US PhD compared to Europe/Oceania?

I have applied to PhD programs in ecology in Europe (Germany, Denmark, UK) and Oceania (Australia/New Zealand). Now the deadlines for US programs are coming up and I am debating whether I should apply ...
Herman Toothrot's user avatar
29 votes
8 answers

How does one go about doing a Ph.D. in Europe as an American?

I'm entering my senior year of college in the US and I'm starting to consider my options for graduate school next year. My field is kind of blurry, in that I have certain research areas that I'm ...
Nick Anderegg's user avatar
29 votes
4 answers

What does it mean to have vacation time in European academia?

I am a US-based researcher who recently accepted a postdoc in Sweden. My offer letter states that I will be entitled to a 6-week annual vacation during my appointment. Being from the US where I have ...
socialsciencedoc's user avatar
21 votes
4 answers

Is there a good source to compare academic salaries at European universities?

Is there a good source to compare academic salaries at European universities? For example, what are the salaries of full professors in different countries? I would particularly welcome a possible ...
abatkai's user avatar
  • 880
18 votes
2 answers

European style PhD in the US

I'm wondering are there any PhD programs (specifically in machine learning) in the US that are structured more like the European ones, i.e. where you immediately start doing research and don't spend ...
Eli's user avatar
  • 183
17 votes
15 answers

Under which conditions can a person use the title of "Professor"?

Is it enough to hold a contract as professor (be it a major university), to use this title in official communications? What are the rules (also unwritten rules) in your country? I am interested also ...
Fabio's user avatar
  • 387
15 votes
1 answer

Is the status of postdocs perceived differently in western Europe vs. North-America?

In a footnote at this answer by on leaving a postdoc early, user Luke Mathieson writes: A postdoc in the US has lower status that it does in Europe/Australia/New Zealand/..., I'm aware that ...
gerrit's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

Disclosing hidden disability to employer

I'm doing a project-based postdoc in an European university. I have serious ongoing eye conditions that significantly affect my reading speed and as a result it took me 5 years to complete my PhD in ...
confusedpostdoc's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Role/importance of letters of recommendation for PhD-applications in Europe?

In the US PhD prospects apply to several universities and those select an amount of applicants from that pool according to how many open spots the universities have for that term. Criteria for ...
superuser0's user avatar
12 votes
8 answers

How usual/feasible is it for European universities to accept PhD candidates right after their bachelor's degree? (computer science field)

I am nearing the end of my bachelor's degree and wish to know what my options are for continuing. Optimally, I would be able to immediately pursue a PhD, but I get conflicting information on the ...
riverwastaken's user avatar
11 votes
6 answers

Do PhD admission committees prefer prospective professors over practitioners?

I am about to submit my application to a PhD in Statistics and I was wondering whether writing in the SoP about being willing to work in the industry to make a tangible impact would downgrade my ...
Mr Frog's user avatar
  • 657
9 votes
1 answer

University Teaching Certifications for Different Countries

A while back I asked this question which was about teaching certifications. As I dig into the subject more, it seems teaching certifications are quite rare for university teachers in many countries. ...
earthling's user avatar
  • 23.2k
9 votes
2 answers

Should I include research stays in my CV?

During my PhD I was invited three times by two researchers to stay and do research in their lab, one week at a time. I'm now a postdoc and applying to tenured jobs in Europe (yay). Should I include ...
user88535's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

How and why are PhD programs free in Europe?

In some European countries, PhD programs are free. As I understand, PhD opening depends on the research funds of the supervisor. In other words, PhD research is funded by a national agency or EU. ...
Gigi's user avatar
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8 votes
5 answers

Do European PhD programs have a qualifying exam, and if so, what form do they take?

Now, I understand that European PhDs are far from monolithic in format, and that most quals in my field (physics) can fall into two general formats, as far as North American PhD programs are concerned:...
NSERC Protester's user avatar
8 votes
5 answers

What is the equivalent of European "seminar" in US universities?

At my Czech university where I study computer science (but I believe math and physics are organized the same way here), most courses have both lectures (professor presenting the topic to a large class)...
svick's user avatar
  • 594
7 votes
3 answers

Is doing a PhD in philosophy with a master's in an unrelated discipline viable?

I have a master's degree in computer science, and have been working as a software developer outside of academia for about a decade. I'm considering trying to transition into academic philosophy with ...
voidptr's user avatar
  • 770
7 votes
4 answers

How do I find small, teaching-focused universities in the European Union?

I'm a European doctoral candidate about to defend her PhD dissertation. I'd love to eventually get a job at a small teaching university with a relatively larger focus on education rather than research;...
SLHsqua's user avatar
  • 83
7 votes
5 answers

Postdoctoral fellowships/calls to work in Europe for scientists/mathematicians/engineers that are similar to Marie curie?

I was wondering where I can find any information on the postdoctoral fellowships/calls to work in Europe which are similar to Marie Curie? I'm doing my basic internet search on this, but don't seem to ...
Science Man's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Can I get a good phd with a poor master thesis?

I am a month away from graduating in Math. I spent the last six months working on what I consider now a poor master thesis. I was asked to discuss some connections between model theory and ...
Blueday's user avatar
  • 61
5 votes
2 answers

Motivation letter for tenure track position

A tenure track position I'm applying to (Netherlands) asks for a "motivation letter" in addition to the research statement. It doesn't give any details about what it should contain. Therefore my ...
TenureTrackApplier's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

Is it true, that there are associate professors, full professors and University provosts without a doctorate in the Western Continental Europe?

There is legislative proposal in our small country (Republic of Latvia, Baltic Country, European Union) that proposes to allow elected associate professors, full professors and provosts of the ...
TomR's user avatar
  • 497
5 votes
1 answer

Is there an RSS feed for academic jobs published on Euraxess?

Euraxess is an European platform collecting academic job offers. There was previously an RSS feed at However, this URL is dead. Is there a new RSS feed for ...
Martin Monperrus's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Awarding Habilitation to senior researchers?

For some positions and activities, a Habilitation is required in countries like France and Germany. My crude understanding is that in Germany, but not in France, one needs to write a special thesis ...
Kimball's user avatar
  • 32.6k

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