Linked Questions

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2 answers

What can I do if my paper doesn't fit any arXiv category? [duplicate]

I have a paper (A) that has been submitted to a journal, but is as yet unreviewed, and another paper (B) that cites A. (The citation is necessary because A includes details of the preparation of a ...
doctorer's user avatar
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Is useful?

I received a mail today from (a site I wasn't previously aware of), asking me to confirm that I co-authored a paper with a colleague. Having looked into it a little it sounds like it ...
N. Virgo's user avatar
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Why does reserve the right to sell, modify, and "exploit" my papers if I post them there?

In's terms of service, it says By making available any Member Content on or through the Site or Services, you hereby grant to a worldwide, irrevocable, perpetual, non-...
David Ketcheson's user avatar
22 votes
4 answers

What are pre-print repositories for math and physics alternative to ArXiv?

Are there other widely used academic pre-print repositories other than ArXiv? My interest is especially towards mathematics and physics. If possible, one characteristic that I'd like to find in other ...
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What are the advantages and disadvantages of compared with arXiv? is a new site for sharing preprints of papers. arXiv is one of the longest standing, stable and mature places for many people. I'm wondering where to upload a paper (which is already ...
RobinLovelace's user avatar
18 votes
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What is the best repository for Engineering research work in pre-print format?

I'm a civil engineer myself and found no options for depositing engineering related pre-print papers in any online repositories. Is there any easy solution to this? For example, lets one ...
ShadowWarrior's user avatar
9 votes
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How do we prevent a professor from releasing our class project as his own research?

I don't want to release too many details in this inquiry, but I do have a very legitimate question to ask. My senior class (aerospace engineering) has been hard at work for nearly nine months reverse ...
TCB5136's user avatar
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ePrint Archive for PhD Dissertation in the Social Sciences

I understand there are a number of specialised ePrint archives or repositories where scholarly works could be posted for wider dissemination (for example, arXiv). I am wondering if there is a ...
Javeer Baker's user avatar
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Where to upload/publish gigabytes of experiment data [closed]

I have conducted experiment that had unexpected result which goes against consensus in my community and I worry whether it will be accepted by other researchers. For that reason I would like to make ...
student's user avatar
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Arxiv did not accept my submission after being "on hold"

I work in the field of Mechanics of Materials and my scientific papers are mostly about modeling. I have some preprints deposited on arxiv but I never submitted a preprint myself. This time, I did the ...
KratosMath's user avatar
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13 votes
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What are risks or disadvantages in uploading to figshare or related services?

Figshare lets researches publish figures and data for long-term archival and public access. I just found out about it and find the idea sympathetic. See for example their F.A.Q.. What risks are ...
gerrit's user avatar
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Preprint services for environmental and earth sciences? [closed]

Is there a good, reputable preprint service that is used in the environmental and earth sciences, and considered acceptable by the major publishers? Many journals specifically state that it is okay to ...
Significance's user avatar
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Where to upload a reprint (post-print) of my publication?

I used to self-archive papers on my homepage in the institute where I was doing phd. I just noticed that my homepage and the reprints were removed -- that's normal, I'm not working in that institute ...
marcin's user avatar
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Repository for Education

What would be the most appropriate place for someone to upload their Master thesis in Education? (Their institution does not upload electronic versions of theses.) The thesis is original research and ...
user447648's user avatar
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Is there a pre-print server for building physics papers?

I recently submitted a pre-print (about heating control algorithms for buildings) to, under General Physics, but it was rejected as being off-topic for that server. I tried to find a pre-...
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