I am applying for an exchange program in Romania next semester. The teacher in Romania sent a research topic one month ago to my teacher (So I guess they both found an agreement and I should be able to go?). I am now expected to do most of the rest . So I sent a first e mail asking for more information about that topic as the research topic has to be accepted by professors and lectors at our university. A few days later I sent him another e-mail specifying exactly who I was as it may have been unclear in my first e-mail. Its now been one week and still received no answer.

What should I do? Keep waiting until I maybe don‘t receive an answer? What would be a good way to deal with that type of situations?


1 Answer 1


Professors are often very busy and receive many emails, sometimes more than a hundred a day. It is not uncommon that an email gets forgotten, especially if it was sent from a stranger. Since a week has passed, it is certainly appropriate to send another polite reminder. However, other strategies might be more effective:

  • Ask your local teacher about the issue or ask her to contact the Romanian teacher, explaining that you could not get a response although the issue is urgent.
  • Write an email to the Romanian supervisor's secretary/the secretary of the institute.
  • Call them on the phone

When writing email, make sure that the issue can already be understood from reading the subject line.

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