I submitted an article to a Springer journal 13 months ago. Each time I inquire about the status, I receive the same response:

"The paper is currently with the editor for evaluation and the editor will render a decision directly or will initiate the review process."

My main concerns are:

Decision Timeline: If the editor decides to render a decision without initiating the review process, is it more likely to be an acceptance or a rejection? Review Process: If the editor does initiate the review process, how long might this take, and would it require two positive reviews for acceptance? I am particularly worried about wasting more time as I need this article for my PhD program. Should I continue waiting or consider withdrawing my submission and seeking another journal?

Thank you for your advice and insights.

  • 3
    13 months seems too long. I would withdraw it from further consideration with a formal request to the editorial staff.
    – Coder
    Commented May 26 at 23:01
  • Is the paper such that reviewers might be especially difficult to find?
    – Buffy
    Commented May 27 at 17:07
  • What is your field? 13 months is normal in math, abnormal in most other fields.
    – user187020
    Commented May 28 at 20:35


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