I am working on some data transformations that work in finite dimensions. To help motivate the reader I would like a simple, but not too simple, example to show how the transformations work. A 3D teapot is available on Khan Academy that would suite the purpose nicely (one might even say it was my cup of tea, but I don't drink right out of the pot!). I see that it is the intellectual property of user Peter Collingridge under an Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license, so I do not see why I could not use it provided that I give credit.

What should go into my BibTeX entry within my *.bib file for something like this?

What I have put together so far:

    title = {3D Teapot [Data Set]},
    howpublished = {https://www.khanacademy.org/computer-programming/3d-teapot/971436783?qa_expand_key=ag5zfmtoYW4tYWNhZGVteXJCCxIIVXNlckRhdGEiJXVzZXJfZW1haWxfa2V5X2subi5ibHVlc3RhckBnbWFpbC5jb20MCxIIRmVlZGJhY2sYmXUM},
    owner = {Peter Collingridge},
    note = {Accessed: 2022-02-21}
  • 1
    I found this @dataset entry type, which I will have to check if it is compatible with my TeX environment.
    – Galen
    Commented Feb 22, 2022 at 1:40
  • It is no different from citing any other online source, really. And there are plenty resources on the topic of citing online sources :) See if this helps, for one: academia.stackexchange.com/questions/151533/…. As for the format of the bibtex entry, that depends on the citation style. But as far as I understand, yours is not a technical question.
    – Lodinn
    Commented Feb 22, 2022 at 11:54


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