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As a department head, what to do if a professor leaves without notice without giving out grades?

I am department head, and an. An adjunct professor teaching two courses in my department left without notice. He did not delivereddeliver the grades to me.

We have no staff in that topicfield to takegive the final exam again. Even so, I do notwouldn't know how to convince the students to take the exam again, and I do not know what to do with the class activity, which should be part of the final grade.

RegistrarThe registrar is forcing me to deliver the gradegrades, but I have no idea what to do.

AnyDoes anyone have any experience to share? What do department heads normally do in this situation?

As a department head, what to do if a professor leaves without notice without giving out grades?

I am department head, and an adjunct professor teaching two courses in my department left without notice. He did not delivered the grades to me.

We have no staff in that topic to take the final exam again. Even so, I do not know how to convince the students to take the exam again, and I do not know what to do with the class activity, which should be part of the final grade.

Registrar is forcing me to deliver the grade, but I have no idea what to do.

Any experience to share? What do department heads normally do in this situation?

As a department head, what to do if a professor leaves without giving out grades?

I am department head. An adjunct professor teaching two courses in my department left without notice. He did not deliver the grades to me.

We have no staff in that field to give the final exam again. Even so, I wouldn't know how to convince the students to take the exam again, and I do not know what to do with the class activity, which should be part of the final grade.

The registrar is forcing me to deliver the grades, but I have no idea what to do.

Does anyone have any experience to share? What do department heads normally do in this situation?

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What As a department head, what to do if a professor leave during the semesterleaves without notice without giving out grades?

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What to do if a professor leave during the semester?

I am department head, and an adjunct professor teaching two courses in my department left without notice. He did not delivered the grades to me.

We have no staff in that topic to take the final exam again. Even so, I do not know how to convince the students to take the exam again, and I do not know what to do with the class activity, which should be part of the final grade.

Registrar is forcing me to deliver the grade, but I have no idea what to do.

Any experience to share? What do department heads normally do in this situation?