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masters -> master's degree consistency, missing\extra spaces. the second "instead" in excerpt removed due to character limitation.
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On schools that award advanced academic degrees, such as mastersmaster's and doctoral degrees. This tag is mainly for questions about the structure and organization of a graduate school or the fundamental experience of being a graduate student. Do not use this tag for questions about research in graduate school (use [research] instead), coursework in graduate school (use [coursework] instead), gaining admissions to graduate school (use [graduate-admissions]), etc.

On schools that award advanced academic degrees, such as masters and doctoral degrees. This tag is mainly for questions about the structure and organization of a graduate school or the fundamental experience of being a graduate student. Do not use this tag for questions about research in graduate school (use [research] instead), coursework in graduate school (use [coursework] instead), gaining admissions to graduate school (use [graduate-admissions]), etc.

On schools that award advanced academic degrees, such as master's and doctoral degrees. This tag is mainly for questions about the structure and organization of a graduate school or the fundamental experience of being a graduate student. Do not use this tag for questions about research in graduate school (use [research] instead), coursework in graduate school (use [coursework]), gaining admissions to graduate school (use [graduate-admissions]), etc.

added 315 characters in body; deleted 1 character in body; added 58 characters in body
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  • 109.2k
  • 50
  • 422
  • 476

Questions related to school of higher learningOn schools that award advanced academic degrees, especiallysuch as masters and doctoral degrees. This tag is mainly for Master's degreequestions about the structure and organization of a graduate school or Phthe fundamental experience of being a graduate student. DDo not use this tag for questions about research in graduate school (use [research] instead), coursework in graduate school (use [coursework] instead), gaining admissions to graduate school (use [graduate-admissions]), etc.

Questions related to school of higher learning, especially for Master's degree or Ph. D.

On schools that award advanced academic degrees, such as masters and doctoral degrees. This tag is mainly for questions about the structure and organization of a graduate school or the fundamental experience of being a graduate student. Do not use this tag for questions about research in graduate school (use [research] instead), coursework in graduate school (use [coursework] instead), gaining admissions to graduate school (use [graduate-admissions]), etc.

Questions related to school of higher learning, especially for Master's degree or Ph. D.

Questions related to school of higher learning, especially for Master's degree or Ph. D.
