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Post Closed as "Duplicate" by Sursula, Moishe Kohan, Buzz, Jon Custer, Brian Tompsett - 汤莱恩
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Jochen Glueck
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Net salary calculation for TVLE-13 65% PhD offer in munsterMünster

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Net salary calculation for TVLE-13 65% PhD offer in munster

I have received a PhD offer in Münster with a pay grade of TVLE-13 65% in 2024. How much net salary I should be expecting after all deductions?

Actually I have another PhD offer from USA with tuition waiver and 25000 USD stipend in Johnson city, Tennessee. I wanted to know how it compares in salary perspective as the research area is almost similar (I only applied for my specific research areas) and both professors are quite friendly (as far I have interacted).

I am 27, single with no kids if it matters for the tax calculation.