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If the "in-text citing mistakes" are actually plagiarism (i.e. "forgotten" quotation marks or misplaced references), then you really need to bite the bullet and publish a correction, involving your supervisor if that is necessary at your institution. Otherwise, the thesis is available at anytime for discussion. If you happen to end up as a politician people might start investigating your thesis, and you may not be happy with that public discussion. People make mistakes, but just putting your head in the sand and hoping the problem will go away is not a good solution. Take a deep breath, make it right, and then carry on with your life.

If the "in-text citing mistakes" are actually plagiarism (i.e. "forgotten" quotation marks or misplaced references, then you really need to bite the bullet and publish a correction, involving your supervisor if that is necessary at your institution. Otherwise, the thesis is available at anytime for discussion. If you happen to end up as a politician people might start investigating your thesis, and you may not be happy with that public discussion. People make mistakes, but just putting your head in the sand and hoping the problem will go away is not a good solution. Take a deep breath, make it right, and then carry on with your life.

If the "in-text citing mistakes" are actually plagiarism (i.e. "forgotten" quotation marks or misplaced references), then you really need to bite the bullet and publish a correction, involving your supervisor if that is necessary at your institution. Otherwise, the thesis is available at anytime for discussion. If you happen to end up as a politician people might start investigating your thesis, and you may not be happy with that public discussion. People make mistakes, but just putting your head in the sand and hoping the problem will go away is not a good solution. Take a deep breath, make it right, and then carry on with your life.

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If the "in-text citing mistakes" are actually plagiarism (i.e. "forgotten" quotation marks or misplaced references, then you really need to bite the bullet and publish a correction, involving your supervisor if that is necessary at your institution. Otherwise, the thesis is available at anytime for discussion. If you happen to end up as a politician people might start investigating your thesis, and you may not be happy with that public discussion. People make mistakes, but just putting your head in the sand and hoping the problem will go away is not a good solution. Take a deep breath, make it right, and then carry on with your life.