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Is it better for a statement of purpose for a physics PhD program to be straightforward and dull or more literary andas opposed to attempting to make the style interesting?

Consider a statement of purpose of a physics PhD program.

Some people say that the statement of purpose does not matter, but a horrible one can hurt you. So, all that is necessary is to write a decent, straightforward statement of purpose.

Other people say that the professors reading these statements of purpose get bored with the dullness of them all and would rather read a statement of purpose written in an interesting style. Moreover, orthat such a statement makes the applicant more literarymemorable in a positive way, stylewhich does aid in the application process.

Given these two (seemingly) conflicting viewpoints, I ask the question here. In particular, 

I am also wondering if the answer changes depending on whether one is submitting a statement of purpose to a top physics PhD program for the field of interest versus a not top program.

Is it better for a statement of purpose for a physics PhD program to be straightforward and dull or more literary and interesting?

Consider a statement of purpose of a physics PhD program.

Some people say that the statement of purpose does not matter, but a horrible one can hurt you. So, all that is necessary is to write a decent statement of purpose.

Other people say that the professors reading these statements of purpose get bored with the dullness of them all and would rather read a statement of purpose written in an interesting, or more literary, style.

Given these two conflicting viewpoints, I ask the question here. In particular, I am also wondering if the answer changes depending on whether one is submitting a statement of purpose to a top physics PhD program for the field of interest versus a not top program.

Is it better for a statement of purpose for a physics PhD program to be straightforward as opposed to attempting to make the style interesting?

Consider a statement of purpose of a physics PhD program.

Some people say that the statement of purpose does not matter, but a horrible one can hurt you. So, all that is necessary is to write a decent, straightforward statement of purpose.

Other people say that the professors reading these statements of purpose get bored and would rather read a statement of purpose written in an interesting style. Moreover, that such a statement makes the applicant more memorable in a positive way, which does aid in the application process.

Given these two (seemingly) conflicting viewpoints, I ask the question here. 

I am also wondering if the answer changes depending on whether one is submitting a statement of purpose to a top physics PhD program for the field of interest versus a not top program.

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Is it better for a statement of purpose for a physics PhD program to be straightforward and dull or more literary and interesting?

Consider a statement of purpose of a physics PhD program.

Some people say that the statement of purpose does not matter, but a horrible one can hurt you. So, all that is necessary is to write a decent statement of purpose.

Other people say that the professors reading these statements of purpose get bored with the dullness of them all and would rather read a statement of purpose written in an interesting, or more literary, style.

Given these two conflicting viewpoints, I ask the question here. In particular, I am also wondering if the answer changes depending on whether one is submitting a statement of purpose to a top physics PhD program for the field of interest versus a not top program.