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If it is trivial, authorship is not an issue.

If on the other hand you developed a method that is not trivial, you should implement it yourself. Designing a non-trivial algorithm in your head without missing something is rare. If you don't implement it yourself, your student will have refined and corrected your method, and would be a co-author. It would then be unethical to claim sole authorship.

EDIT: It would then be unethical to claim sole authorship. However it would not be unethical to claim first authorship in my view.

If it is trivial, authorship is not an issue.

If on the other hand you developed a method that is not trivial, you should implement it yourself. Designing a non-trivial algorithm in your head without missing something is rare. If you don't implement it yourself, your student will have refined and corrected your method, and would be a co-author. It would then be unethical to claim sole authorship.

If it is trivial, authorship is not an issue.

If on the other hand you developed a method that is not trivial, you should implement it yourself. Designing a non-trivial algorithm in your head without missing something is rare. If you don't implement it yourself, your student will have refined and corrected your method, and would be a co-author. It would then be unethical to claim sole authorship.

EDIT: It would then be unethical to claim sole authorship. However it would not be unethical to claim first authorship in my view.

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If it is trivial, authorship is not an issue.

If on the other hand you developed a method that is not trivial, you should implement it yourself. Designing a non-trivial algorithm in your head without missing something is rare. If you don't implement it yourself, your student will have refined and corrected your method, and would be a co-author. It would then be unethical to claim sole authorship.