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Timeline for PhD Advisor Slander to Postdoc PI

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Oct 4, 2023 at 13:55 comment added Captain Emacs @Baffled Here's the rule of thumb: if the rumour does not spread (i.e. is not believed), let it run out on its own. You reacting here may actually pour gasoline on the fire (Streisand effect). If the rumour takes on force, though, and threatens to expand, then you'd better act. So observe and see in which direction things go.
Oct 4, 2023 at 13:55 comment added T.E.D. The thing about malicious people is that, since its not at its root about you, its never just you they're doing it to. In the long run, the truth will out.
Oct 4, 2023 at 13:50 comment added Baffled @Mentalist That's one of my favorite stories! Our breakroom developed a ceiling leak, and until they could fix our new water feature, they put a trashcan under it to catch the water. They did not use either of the cans in the breakroom itself, or the cans in the breakroom across the hall. No, they went down the hall, past 2 other rooms/offices, and used their keys to get into her office and take her office trash can.
Oct 4, 2023 at 13:48 comment added Cameron Williams Now on the faculty side, I can confirm that faculty know who the shitty people are that they work with. It's not a secret. Students talk, faculty talk. We try to be as professional as possible when listening to complaints or stories, so you won't necessarily hear a faculty member outright tearing another down in front of a student.
Oct 4, 2023 at 13:35 comment added Daniel R. Collins Also I think it would be good occasionally to directly ask other senior people OP works with, and whose opinion they value, "How do you think I'm doing?". We should probably all do status check-ins like that anyway, and build confidence for OP.
Oct 4, 2023 at 2:19 comment added Ben Excellent answer (+1). A great aspect of this answer is that it points out that her accusations (if true) would reflect terribly on her own managerial competence as a supervisor and on the competence of the university in awarding the degree. For that reason, the accusations in question are virtually self-defeating.
Oct 3, 2023 at 4:25 comment added Mentalist @Baffled Well-hated, even by the janitors... that's quite an accomplishment. 🤣
Oct 2, 2023 at 20:11 comment added Bryan Krause♦ @Baffled It's very reasonable to be upset, you haven't done anything dramatic unless there's been some incident with spraypaint and the former advisor's car you're not telling us about. Sounds like you got out of a bad situation. Best of luck in the future.
Oct 2, 2023 at 20:05 comment added Baffled We do get along well, he is actually one of the ones who informed me what she was saying and I guess it just blindsided me and I got all dramatic this morning
Oct 2, 2023 at 19:58 comment added Bryan Krause♦ @Baffled No problem. Probably worth a conversation with your current advisor (assuming you have a good relationship), even if you don't plan to escalate anything, they'll probably be able to reassure you. You could phrase the conversation as "I've heard these rumors about what my former advisor is saying, and I don't think anything needs to be done but I wanted you to be aware", unless you do decide something should be done.
Oct 2, 2023 at 19:56 vote accept Baffled
Oct 2, 2023 at 19:54 comment added Baffled I hadn't realized it until you pointed it out, but you are correct that I am just assuming the professors dislike my work. I will try to be more level-headed in the future about that. Thank you also for putting it into perspective, I had never looked at it from the angle of the other professors not believing her, But again, now that you point it out, she is well-hated by everyone I've met here, prof/students/janitors etc. Thank you for your input, and I will just continue to do my work and let both of our reputations grow as they will.
Oct 2, 2023 at 19:04 history edited Bryan Krause♦ CC BY-SA 4.0
Changed pronouns since noticing OP explicitly refers to "her"
Oct 2, 2023 at 18:54 history answered Bryan Krause♦ CC BY-SA 4.0