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I am doing MS Physics. If I take some previously derived results and plot them for different values, can I publish this work? If I do so, will it be like a review work? The plots are already there in the literature but I am going to take my own values e.g. I change the angle or the amplitude to see what happens and compare these with some other data to draw conclusions. I am totally new to publishing papers so kindly overlook my naivety. Thank you.

I am doing MS Physics. If I take some previously derived results and plot them for different values, can I publish this work? If I do so, will it be like a review work? The plots are already there in the literature but I am going to take my own values e.g. I change the angle or the amplitude to see what happens and compare these with some other data to draw conclusions. I am totally new to publishing papers so kindly overlook my naivety. Thank you.

I am doing MS Physics. If I take some previously derived results and plot them for different values, can I publish this work? If I do so, will it be like a review work? The plots are already there in the literature but I am going to take my own values e.g. I change the angle or the amplitude to see what happens and compare these with some other data to draw conclusions. I am totally new to publishing papers so kindly overlook my naivety.

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I am doing MS Physics. If I take some previously derived results and plot them for different values, can I publish this work? If I do so, will it be like a review work? The plots are already there in the literature but I am going to changetake my own values e.g. I change the angle or the amplitude to see what happens and compare these with some other data to draw conclusions. I am totally new to publishing papers so kindly overlook my naivety. Thank you.

I am doing MS Physics. If I take some previously derived results and plot them for different values, can I publish this work? If I do so, will it be like a review work? The plots are already there in the literature but I am going to change values and compare these with some other data to draw conclusions. I am totally new to publishing papers so kindly overlook my naivety. Thank you.

I am doing MS Physics. If I take some previously derived results and plot them for different values, can I publish this work? If I do so, will it be like a review work? The plots are already there in the literature but I am going to take my own values e.g. I change the angle or the amplitude to see what happens and compare these with some other data to draw conclusions. I am totally new to publishing papers so kindly overlook my naivety. Thank you.

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Can I publish plots for already derived and plotted data with different values?

I am doing MS Physics. If I take some previously derived results and plot them for different values, can I publish this work? If I do so, will it be like a review work? The plots are already there in the literature but I am going to change values and compare these with some other data to draw conclusions. I am totally new to publishing papers so kindly overlook my naivety. Thank you.