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Azor Ahai -him-
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I am part of two different labs that essentially have the same idea for different surgeriesare studying very similar things. One is the impact of smoking on elbow or shoulder replacementelbow or shoulder replacement, and the other is the impact of smoking on wrist replacementwrist replacement. 

They both want to submit to the same journal within the same month, and I am afraid since I'm going to be an author on both papers (first on one, third on another) that I am putting both in jeopardy.

I am part of two different labs that essentially have the same idea for different surgeries. One is the impact of smoking on elbow or shoulder replacement, and the other is the impact of smoking on wrist replacement. They both want to submit to the same journal within the same month, and I am afraid since I'm going to be an author on both papers (first on one, third on another) that I am putting both in jeopardy.

I am part of two different labs that are studying very similar things. One is the impact of smoking on elbow or shoulder replacement, and the other is the impact of smoking on wrist replacement. 

They both want to submit to the same journal within the same month, and I am afraid since I'm going to be an author on both papers (first on one, third on another) that I am putting both in jeopardy.

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I am a part of two different labs, that essentially have the same idea for different surgeries. One is the impact of smoking on elbow or shoulder replacement, and the other is the impact of smoking on wrist replacement. They both want to submit it to the same journal at the within the same month, and I am afraid since I'm going to be an author on both papers (first on one, third on another) that I am putting both papers in jeopardy.

I am a part of two different labs, that essentially have the same idea for different surgeries. One is the impact of smoking on elbow or shoulder replacement, and the other is the impact of smoking on wrist replacement. They both want to submit it to the same journal at the within the same month, and I am afraid since I'm going to be an author (first on one, third on another) that I am putting both papers in jeopardy.

I am part of two different labs that essentially have the same idea for different surgeries. One is the impact of smoking on elbow or shoulder replacement, and the other is the impact of smoking on wrist replacement. They both want to submit to the same journal within the same month, and I am afraid since I'm going to be an author on both papers (first on one, third on another) that I am putting both in jeopardy.

I am a part of two different labs, that essentially have the same idea for different surgeries. One is the impact of smoking on elbow or shoulder replacement, and the other is the impact of smoking on wrist replacement. They both want to submit it to the same journal at the within the same month, and I am afraid since ImI'm going to be aan author (1stfirst on one, third on another) that I am putting both papers in jeopardy.

I am a part of two different labs, that essentially have the same idea for different surgeries. One is the impact of smoking on elbow or shoulder replacement, and the other is the impact of smoking on wrist replacement. They both want to submit it to the same journal at the within the same month, and I am afraid since Im going to be a author (1st on one, third another) that I am putting both papers in jeopardy.

I am a part of two different labs, that essentially have the same idea for different surgeries. One is the impact of smoking on elbow or shoulder replacement, and the other is the impact of smoking on wrist replacement. They both want to submit it to the same journal at the within the same month, and I am afraid since I'm going to be an author (first on one, third on another) that I am putting both papers in jeopardy.

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