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I have seen a public video on youtube where Elon Musk gave his opinion about academic publications:

He stated that most academic publications are pretty much useless and no one ever reads them.

I personally relate to his point of view and understand that he was not generalisinggeneralizing to all research produced, but at the same time he has a valid good point.

What is your opinionIs Musk correct in this regardhis assessment?

Do you feel that your research is having/will have some impact in the world?

If according to some metric (to be defined) most of academic papers are useless and that nobody will ever care of your published work, then what is the point of wasting the best time of your life by pursuing an academic career where the chances of getting a permanent position are very slim?

I have seen a public video on youtube where Elon Musk gave his opinion about academic publications:

He stated that most academic publications are pretty much useless and no one ever reads them.

I personally relate to his point of view and understand that he was not generalising to all research produced, but at the same time he has a valid good point.

What is your opinion in this regard?

Do you feel that your research is having/will have some impact in the world?

If according to some metric (to be defined) most of academic papers are useless and that nobody will ever care of your published work, then what is the point of wasting the best time of your life by pursuing an academic career where the chances of getting a permanent position are very slim?

I have seen a public video on youtube where Elon Musk gave his opinion about academic publications:

He stated that most academic publications are pretty much useless and no one ever reads them.

I personally relate to his point of view and understand that he was not generalizing to all research produced, but at the same time he has a valid good point.

Is Musk correct in his assessment?

Do you feel that your research is having/will have some impact in the world?

If according to some metric (to be defined) most of academic papers are useless and that nobody will ever care of your published work, then what is the point of wasting the best time of your life by pursuing an academic career where the chances of getting a permanent position are very slim?

Post Closed as "Opinion-based" by astronat supports the strike, Richard Erickson, Wrzlprmft
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How much do you agree with Elon Musk statement that non one is going to read your publications?

I have seen a public video on youtube where Elon Musk gave his opinion about academic publications:

He stated that most academic publications are pretty much useless and no one ever reads them.

I personally relate to his point of view and understand that he was not generalising to all research produced, but at the same time he has a valid good point.

What is your opinion in this regard?

Do you feel that your research is having/will have some impact in the world?

If according to some metric (to be defined) most of academic papers are useless and that nobody will ever care of your published work, then what is the point of wasting the best time of your life by pursuing an academic career where the chances of getting a permanent position are very slim?