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Linksys PAP2T

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Linksys PAP2T - Voip-info.org

Manufacturer: Cisco

A VOIP ATA with two FXS ports and one Ethernet port.

Replaces the Sipura SPA-2002 and Linksys PAP2

Echo-Cancellation Tip

If you’re trying to fix echo problems with Asterisk, it’s probably best to make sure the Linksys box is not trying to do its own echo-cancellation, which should be left to the Asterisk server. Under the Advanced Admin view, look at the settings for Line 1 and Line 2 in turn, down the page in the section marked “Audio Configuration”: you will see popup menus labelled “Echo Canc Enable”, “Echo Canc Adapt Enable” and “Echo Supp Enable”. Set all three settings to “No” for both lines.


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