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  1. John Hyde
    19th May 2011 @ 10:00 am

    Better handling of errors is your secret weapon for improving conversions.

    A huge number of people make errors on web forms and you can decide if you want to help them get back on track or watch them bail out.

  2. David
    19th May 2011 @ 4:17 pm

    Decent post, and I dont mean to be nasty, but the first sentence:

    “…try to keep your forms as short and simple as possible, but no simpler”

    …makes no sense. I shouldn’t make my forms any simpler than as simple as possible? Well that wouldn’t be possible anyway!

    Could maybe do with a review?

    • Neil Turner
      19th May 2011 @ 5:14 pm

      Hi David. By “try to keep your forms as short and simple as possible, but no simpler” I mean don’t oversimplify the form. For example, by leaving out help information that might prove useful. Hope that makes more sense.


  3. Jon Mehlman
    20th May 2011 @ 5:51 pm

    Not so sure I agree here that shorter is better. There’s more here than meets the eye.

    Our tests have shown time and time again that forms with 11 fields, for example, convert better than forms that have 7 fields. Assuming you can create a metric for what a meaningful conversion means to you.

    Also, the more fields you capture, the better the quality. I would rather have 10 solid leads than 100 unqualified leads.

    I see many companies who have created a lead funnel of unqualified leads, and they don’t have the internal resources to qualify them all.

    A big part of lead capture is doing as much qualification as you can before you hand them off to whomever can best turn those leads into money?

  4. LordManley
    23rd May 2011 @ 12:23 pm

    My personal bugbear is auto focusing on the next tab once the first one is completed. I tab through form fields, as do many users, so auto-tab ‘features’ mean that I skip a field and have to go back.

    It is so simple to do a quick check to see if the field is empty and prevent double tabbing,so do not do it. If you are including a date field then either keep the separate fields separate or put it all into one field – automatically tabbing for me is not helpful at all.

    • Rose Matthews
      18th July 2011 @ 3:14 pm

      Particularly when they’re inconsistent! One minute, it’s auto-tabbing so you adjust your behaviour accordingly… the next, you find yourself typing too many characters into a single field because it’s failed to auto-tab. Arg! Barclays online banking, listen up 😉

      • Richard Payne
        3rd February 2012 @ 1:43 pm

        Yes! HSBC listen up too! 😉

        Be consistent!

        I’m trying to find the pros and cons of auto-tabbing (I’m not a fan but want objective data) – anyone got any sources please? 🙂

  5. Sergey Rusak
    26th May 2011 @ 5:49 pm

    Some forms ask really stupid questions and it turn people away. I was trying to sign up for PR services from one company and they asked “Your revenue?” and this field was required. I was like, it’s not your business how much my company makes!!! I am here to pay you for basic SEO / press release service.

    Also, I worked with one client and they have more than 50 forms on their site. All forms was going to the same guy. Such a mess, a guy didn’t even know what people applied for. 🙂

  6. Cliff Anderson
    31st January 2012 @ 8:55 pm

    I wanted to compliment you on saying so much in a such a small space. I put on a tutorial on forms for Nielsen/Norman’s Usability Week. Somehow or other, you’ve managed to cover all the important stuff that I cover in that one-day tutorial. Really good work. Thanks!

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