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GAIN AN EDGE: The impact of Sir Franklyn on the University of The Bahamas

IN 1973, while Bahamians far and wide were rightfully celebrating their beloved country’s historic procurement of governmental independence from Great Britain, the government of the day, led by the late Sir Lynden O Pindling, was hard at work conceptualising the creation of an institution it felt was absolutely necessary to transform the former British colony into a beacon of economic success and drive national development.

Lessons learned from Hurricane Beryl

EVERYONE’S heart should cry out for the people of Union Island, Carriacou, St Vincent, Grenada, parts of Jamaica, St Lucia, and the fisherfolk of Barbados, all of whom suffered greatly under Hurricane Beryl’s severe blow. On Union Island and Carriacou, the destruction was particularly vicious, leaving residents lost and helpless, with their homes and livelihoods destroyed.

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INSIGHT: The consequences of what we allow

THE attempted assassination of Donald Trump overtook pretty much all other news this weekend.

Changing outcomes and keeping youth from crime: An interview with former gang members

GANG crime continues to blight The Bahamas - often with little solution in sight. Bahamian writer and policy researcher CARLOS OUTTEN spoke to young men who have been involved in gang life to hear their views on how people become drawn into the gang world - and how hard it is to break free.

Impartiality key to restore confidence in the police

THE announcement that a senior police officer has gone on garden leave after a series of accusations circulated on social media is shocking, to say the least.

Plea for ‘three wise men’ to bring some sanity to Valley Boys dilemma

AS a rift continues to divide the Valley Boys, GARY CHRISTIE has written an open letter urging senior figures to step forward to try to bring a resolution. The full letter is below.

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INSIGHT: Pressing threats to our marine environment should inspire Bahamians to act

IT was disappointing to see a fun and celebratory snorkeling event marred by oil contamination in our waters this past Saturday while attending the 10th anniversary of the Bahamas Reef Environment Educational Foundation (BREEF) Coral Reef Sculpture Garden (CRSG) at Clifton Heritage. This site is often described as “the perfect fusion of art, education and conservation”. It has been featured in over 100 publications worldwide in its mere than ten-year history.

WORLD VIEW: Small states in the global arena - navigating survival and sovereignty

In the international arena, small states consistently grapple with existential threats.

Connection between cultural maintenance and conservation

We last left off discussing the proper upkeep of our national identity and the tools needed to achieve that goal.

KDK REPORT: A split second, part 2

THERE’S an overwhelming sense of easiness and simplicity to life in Louisiana.

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What is cultural maintenance and can it fortify the future for young Bahamians?

YOUTH Ambassador Jervon Sands writes the first in a series of articles speaking to young Bahamians, talking about issues that affect the country. He starts by looking at the idea of cultural maintenance - and what that means for Bahamians.

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SIR RONALD SANDERS: From COP to courtroom: ITLOS sets new precedents for climate accountability

ON May 21, 2024, the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) delivered its Advisory Opinion on climate change and international law, in a case led by two courageous leaders of Small Island States, Prime Minister Gaston Browne of Antigua and Barbuda and former Prime Minister Kausea Natano of Tuvalu.

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THE KDK REPORT: A split second, part one

THERE are days when life is so full of splendor and majesty that you can’t stop smiling. Consequently, like two halves of a coin, the inverse can also be true because light and dark co-exist on an ever-present basis. And, on the days when life feels dark and devoid of joy, time virtually stops. In the worst of circumstances, the grief is all-consuming. In the space where on a good day there would be happiness, there is only emptiness and it feels like it will last forever.

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Minnis faces a defining week for his future

THE FNM convention is almost upon us – by this time next week, it will all be over and we will know if Michael Pintard has been confirmed as the returning leader or if Dr Hubert Minnis has won what looks at this stage like a very unlikely victory.

Why US offshore wind power is struggling – the good, the bad and the opportunity

America’s first large-scale offshore wind farms began sending power to the Northeast in early 2024, but a wave of wind farm project cancellations and rising costs have left many people with doubts about the industry’s future in the US.
