Next Windows 10 Technical Preview 2 for Phones Will Support Many More Handset Models


After inexplicably supporting only a tiny subset of Lumia handsets with the first release of Windows 10 Technical Preview 2 for Phones, Microsoft announced today that the next release will support many more models.

You may recall my outrage that Microsoft didn’t communicate which phones it would support with the first release of Windows 10 Technical Preview 2 for Phones last time around. (Mostly on Twitter.) Well, they heard me, and everyone else who complained. And this time they’re being quite clear about which phones they will support. Better yet, it’s a long list. A pleasantly long list.

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Thanks, guys.

“[Recent] testing will allow us to support A LOT more phones for the next flight,” Microsoft’s Gabe Aul writes in a post to the Blogging Windows blog. “I get a ton of questions every day on Twitter about when your favorite phones will be usable, and I’m happy to report that the vast majority will be supported with the next flight.”

With the caveat that some phones could be pulled at the last minute because of compatibility problems, here’s the preliminary list of handset models that Microsoft will support with the next public build of Windows 10 Technical Preview 2 for Phones:

Lumia 520

Lumia 525

Lumia 526

Lumia 530

Lumia 530 Dual Sim

Lumia 535

Lumia 620

Lumia 625

Lumia 630

Lumia 630 Dual Sim

Lumia 635

Lumia 636

Lumia 638

Lumia 720

Lumia 730

Lumia 730 Dual SIM

Lumia 735

Lumia 810

Lumia 820

Lumia 822

Lumia 830

Lumia 920

Lumia 925

Lumia 928

Lumia 1020

Lumia 1320

Lumia 1520

Lumia Icon

Microsoft Lumia 430

Microsoft Lumia 435

Microsoft Lumia 435 Dual SIM

Microsoft Lumia 435 Dual SIM DTV

Microsoft Lumia 532

Microsoft Lumia 532 Dual SIM

Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual SIM

Microsoft Lumia 535 Dual SIM

No, there are no non-Lumias on there. But come on, it’s a huge list. And is more akin to what I expected to see for the initial release. And now it’s just a waiting game. I cannot wait to get a more up-to-date build on a phone I can actually use day-to-day.

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