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The politics sketch

A daily look at life in Westminster and beyond from our politics writers
  • John Crace

    It’s all so unfair. And Rishi has no one to blame but himself

    John Crace
    Two years in Downing Street would have looked so much better on the CV, but he wanted to get the whole thing over with
  • John Crace

    PopCons reassemble and Jacob Rees-Mogg is the sanest person in the room

    John Crace
    The tone is relentlessly delusional – to listen to this lot you’d think the last 14 years were a socialist paradise
  • John Crace

    Less is more from Starmer and Reeves in contrast to Tory sound and fury

    John Crace
    There’s been an energy to Starmer’s slumber and beneath the chancellor’s surface dullness there lies hope
  • John Crace

    No rest for the winners: business secretary rushed on to Sunday politics shows

    John Crace
    Just 40 or so hours into his role, Jonathan Reynolds sounded much more sensible than anything we’ve heard in recent years
  • John Crace

    Rishi Sunak departs with a brief nod to his achievements – mostly imagined

    John Crace
    As Larry the Cat sees off another PM, Sunak suffers the ultimate kick in the teeth as the sun comes out for Starmer
  • John Crace

    The seconds ticked by to 10pm, when the people’s will would be revealed

    John Crace
    Democracy can be tense at that one point in the cycle when power resides with the people and not politicians
  • John Crace

    Rishi sinks into TV sofa as Boris gloats and Mel goes rogue

    John Crace
    PM’s This Morning appearance came after his No 10 predecessor had put the boot in and his most loyal lieutenant suddenly decided to tell the truth
  • John Crace

    Johnson appears on campaign trail at last – to dance on Sunak’s grave

    John Crace
    After five and a half weeks of pre-election idiocy, the Tories’ finale is to show off the leader even they thought was a disaster
  • John Crace

    Starmer advances on the Tory countryside with his flag of unenthusiastic hope

    John Crace
    Labour’s clockwork campaigning may not light wavering voters’ fires but the attack-style symbolism was unmistakable
  • John Crace

    Dim Dowden is not the right Tory frontman to energise flatlining campaign

    John Crace
    It was a bad day all round for TV election interviews, and Sunak’s abrasive chat with Kuenssberg will not win points
  • John Crace

    The Farage faithful know he’s a fraud but they don’t care

    John Crace
    The Reform UK candidate brought the air of a televangelist to a rally in Sunderland that was all show and no substance
  • John Crace

    Sunak and Starmer wrap up their final debate of despair

    John Crace
    PM and his expected successor repeat same evasions to leave us none the wiser about our future government
  • John Crace

    The power of Rish! All this self-inflicted damage takes a level of slapstick genius

    John Crace
    The gambling saga might have been a three-day scandal. Instead he’d let it rumble on until he was almost on his knees
  • John Crace

    It’s Jimmy Dimly again for Sunday’s TV interviews as Hunt for Jeremy goes on

    John Crace
    Just when you’d expect the Tories to be gearing up for one final election push, their big beasts have gone missing
  • John Crace

    Raging Rishi – or maybe his avatar – gave us an object lesson in how not to win friends

    John Crace
    His appearance was the moment the Question Time audience had been waiting for: to give the Tories a kicking
  • John Crace

    Slumping SNP goes through the motions with reprinted manifesto

    John Crace
    It was all stuff that has been on the agenda for years, illustrated with a single picture of a lower-profile leader
  • John Crace

    Channel 4 election debate reaches new depths of futility

    John Crace
    Seven lesser candidates share existential crisis as they debate crime and immigration to negligible interest
  • John Crace

    On the Hunt for Jeremy, the Tories’ invisible man this election

    John Crace
    Chancellor has gone to ground, but no such luck with Mark Harper, who TV viewers were forced to endure on Sunday
  • John Crace

    Winning a bet may be the best it’s going to get for Rishi Sunak and his team

    John Crace
  • Patrick Wintour

    Meloni in the pink as she consoles procession of dead men walking

    Patrick Wintour
About 4,030 results for The politics sketch