
Entrpreneur Dec 2019 Learning to Work Together Franchise Business Review 2023 Interested in joining the movement to teach kids to code? Wanna be your own boss while helping change the world? What an amazing and fun ride it’s been so far for us. We’ve seen lots of smiling faces and gotten plenty of kids interested in coding – and we want more!

Technology is only moving faster (see chatGPT...), so we better get our kids ready, right? Read thru our FAQ below and let’s see if we can answer some of your high level questions. If you’re still excited by the prospect of opening theCoderSchool in your area, scroll down further and fill out our information form!

Please note, franchising is only available within the United States.

Franchising FAQs

What's theCoderSchool?

A lame first question, but a good one. We’re Silicon Valley’s largest after-school coding program for kids, and we’re looking for franchise partners to grow! We are a premium-branded, after-school, dedicated-location, project-based, fun-focused program that teaches kids to code. That enough hyphenated words for you? We can shorten it – we’re a coding school, and we rock.

Why coding for kids?

In the recent few years, the movement to teach kids to code has surged in a big way. reports that there are almost 600,000 computing jobs open, and only less than 60,000 Comp Sci students (that’s one-tenth!) graduating into the work force. Now’s the time to get our kids ready! Learn to code. Change the world.®

Does the business model work?

It sure does! We started our first school back in 2014, when coding for kids was just starting to become hot. We’ve learned tons of lessons along the way, and found a way to be successful AND document the playbook for others to follow. That is, after all, the reason you buy into a franchise system, right? You follow our proven, successful model that we’ve perfected over multiple successful locations. Now does the business model work automatically? Heck no! That’s where you come in – it’s up to the owner to take our playbook and make it work.

What makes an ideal franchisee?

We’re not looking for super deep technical architects, nor are we looking for passive investors who want to invest in the movement. Our owners want to give back to the community and get excited about kids when their eyes light up, and are looking for an impactful business to own. Our owners have a great business sense and love to provide good customer service. While owners don’t necessarily need a technical background, they understand the impact that kids learning to code can have on our future, and have the ability to pick up enough technical chops to run a Coder School!

What are the initial fees and royalties?

We’re not here to make a quick buck off you, we’re here to get more kids coding in a quality way. So our fees tend to run lower than many other franchises. Direct from our FDD, our initial fees are $29,950 (subsequent locations $19,950), and a 5% royalty of gross receipts. We also have a Brand Fund of 1%, used for furthering the brand as a whole.

What are the startup costs?

The investment needed to start up a school is between about $65,000 and $150,000. That large range isn’t just because of local cost factors, it’s also because some owners are better at negotiating than others. Taking the first bid that comes to you? Not a good thing. Getting 8 bids and sharpening everyone’s pencil? Now that’s how you negotiate! There’s levers you can adjust to impact what part of the range you’re in, but that is the expected range of total up front investment (including rent, initial fees, working capital, everything!). We also require that you have a net worth of $250k+ and liquid capital of $50k.

Can I really make a living doing this?

The short answer – we can’t answer that for you! It’s really all up to you. Are you good at relationships? Are you good with giant to-do lists? Good with numbers, hiring, marketing? Are you the manager or are you hiring one? Like any business, the success or failure of it is up to the owner(s) running it. As the franchisor, we can provide a great successful playbook – but in the end, it’s up to you (with our support) to execute it well! What we CAN say is that our locations have been quite successful for some time, and we think we’ve figured out how to bottle it for our franchisees – so if you’re a good business person, you might have a good shot at a great business.

Do I need to know how to code?

Generally, owners with experience in technology certainly have an advantage, as that is what we teach. However, we’re not a tech business – we’re a customer service business! We can teach you the things you need to know about coding (and you’ll need folks on your staff that can answer the tougher tech questions), and we’ll look to you to have great business smarts and an inherent ability to run a customer-oriented business.

Thirsty for more? Check out this interview with our founder on Thrive Global, or check out our founder’s podcast from The Entrepreneur Way with our mini-mp3 player below. Otherwise keep scrolling!

Preliminary Franchise Application

So whaddya think? Still interested, still excited? If so, fill out our application and let’s get crackin! Show us a bit of your personality too in the form, it’s part of what we look for. Personable, fun, folks with great communication skills and passion are a great fit for us. Investors, passive owner with money… eh, not so much. Not everyone’s a fit but we’ll promise to look at your application right away, and get back to you lickety-split if you might be a fit!

Opportunities available only in the United States. In addition, please note that Nassau and Suffolk counties in New York are not available for new franchisees. Other territories may be unavailable as well due to prior commitments.

Read about Private+Semi-Private Coaching, Virtual Learning, Coding Classes, Robotics, Python, Scratch, or Video Game Coding
or check out our general blog or our student blogs

What is theCoderSchool? We are an after-school drop-off (and virtual) program for kids learning to code - a coding school! There's after-school kung fu. There's after-school music lessons, sports, art, tutoring, Chinese, you name it, it's out there. But coding classes for kids? Founded in 2013, we're the first of many, and the largest in Silicon Valley with more locations on the way around the country. The future will be ever more dependent on technology so let's get our young generation ready. Learn to Code, Change the World®.

For questions about partnerships, curriculum, schedule, camps, or other operational inquires, please contact your nearest school.
For national franchise questions only, email us at Please include the city/state you're writing from.

copyright 2014-2022, the Coder School San Francisco, LLC. All Rights, Alright? Don't forget our privacy policy. Find out who we are or like us on facebook.