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Christoph Sommer's user avatar
Christoph Sommer's user avatar
Christoph Sommer
  • Member for 5 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
3 votes

How to pause a program at any time on Windows 10

2 votes

Two dir's of identical ownership, but `cat > f` produces differently owned files

2 votes

Batch File: Identifying a leading 0 in a randomly generated 75 digit string

2 votes

apply a formula to a very long column excel WITHOUT dragging

1 vote

Veins No such file or directory error

1 vote

How to only SCP the timestamp of files without copying the content of files?

1 vote

Open cmd on remote computer from ssh

1 vote

Mute sound on lock screen in macOS

1 vote

DMZ Network terming confusion

1 vote

VM, CentOS7, dd, disk errors

1 vote

How to set permission for /dev/kvm

1 vote

How can I download an map to be editable into Illustrator ? Any experience on that?

1 vote

Error when trying to move directory from sites-available to sites-enabled nginx

0 votes

What's wrong with this outbound iptables firewall?

0 votes

DirectTV black out the screen and says “Your network conditions may be degrading your video stream.”

0 votes

How to increase the speed of omnet++ simulation for veins

0 votes

Can TraCI and Veins run in parallel?

0 votes

PuTTy command script hangs after "chroot . sh"

0 votes

Can I backup data without Booting?

0 votes

How to setup inbound email correctly? MX settings?

0 votes

Admin user for linux based SFTP Server

0 votes

Recovering evince session in Ubuntu 16.04

0 votes

Arch linux not booting in QEMU

0 votes

Controlling two PDF viewrs with a single presenter or mouse wheel