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Greg Viers's user avatar
Greg Viers
  • Member for 6 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
3 votes

How to calculate the sum of every row that is in the same week as the current row in Excel 2010?

2 votes

Can I add a dollar amount to duplicates to differentiate them?

2 votes

In Excel, filling a series of numbers 1 to $n$ without clicking and dragging to the end

1 vote

How to calculate the difference in months between now and beginning of a loan in Excel

1 vote

Adjust row height in excel from INDEX formula

1 vote

How do I advanced filter a column to show all values of a particular ID if this matching column only matches one value?

1 vote

Basic turtle graphics / LOGO in Excel, how to pen up in a scatter plot?

0 votes

Excel 2010 Help Combining Three Different Formulas Into One Cell

0 votes

Using range lookup to return multiple values

0 votes

VLOOKUP not finding value unless I extend table

0 votes

MS Project Macro won't execute except from "view macros" menu

0 votes

Need formula to find the Highest value among group of entries, if conditions are fullfilled