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  • Member for 6 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
4 votes

How to make WSL run services at startup

2 votes

How to block un-installation of extensions in Chrome/Chromium, using ExtensionInstallForcelist?

1 vote

Pass command to WSL Ubuntu 16.04 upon opening/booting WSL ubuntu

1 vote

Open (default) browser from background job in Powershell class method?

1 vote

Alt-tab back to the host while using TeamViewer?

1 vote

Installing python3-pip to WSL Ubuntu 18.04 from Powershell

1 vote

Unattended WSL Ubuntu 18.04 installation from powershell

0 votes

How to set `DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive` from powershell?

0 votes

Capture CLI Output as Animated GIF

0 votes

Open/read sheet-password protected `.ods` using vba from excel?

0 votes

How to set the `WSL` password from Windows 10?

0 votes

How to (automatically) install gradle 5.6(+) on WSL Ubuntu 16.04?

0 votes

How to preserve output format of Powershell commands that are executed from an object?

0 votes

Copy a file with a path with spaces in it, in wsl using powershell?

0 votes

Using the public hostname in a personal public DNS server