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Kev's user avatar
  • Member for 14 years, 11 months
  • Last seen this week
7 votes

Is there a text editor for very big files?

3 votes

How to set notepad, or any other program, as the default browser?

2 votes

accessing Gmail on Haiku alpha builds

2 votes

Excel 2007 Sorting and Function

2 votes

How do I create a minimal install for Windows Vista?

2 votes

Why does `hg diff -I filename` not show my file buried in a subdirectory?

1 vote

CentOS 6.4 console keyboard layout hotswitch

1 vote

Creating a bootable USB drive from a distro split over two DVD ISOs

1 vote

8 GB of physical RAM shows up as "7.00 GB installed (3.99 usable)" in Win7Pro 64-bit's System applet

1 vote

Error upon File->Open, every time, in TextPad

1 vote

svn diff suddenly not showing anything, even though svn status shows modified files

1 vote

How to extract all pages of one big pdf file?

1 vote

DVORAK EN-GB layout on a german laptop keyboard?

1 vote

What's the syntax to open a Tracker window from the command line in Haiku?

1 vote

Forcing grayscale PDF to Black and White?

0 votes

Excel vacation days tracking

0 votes

Is there a way in both OS X and Windows 7 to create a keyboard shortcut to launch a new instance of Chrome + on a speficic page?

0 votes

Opening a Terminal window with the current directory set to a specific directory

0 votes

How to get something to start on next startup only one time in Haiku

0 votes

Excel 2007 suddenly does not paste with formatting anymore

0 votes

Creating a bootable USB drive from a distro split over two DVD ISOs

0 votes

Why is a SUBST'd drive inaccessible via shortcut or Run menu, but works fine from My Computer?

0 votes

Dell Vostro 3550 special keys do not repeat when held down

0 votes

How-to: reset window "tab" in Haiku?

0 votes

Chown in Linux and permissions

0 votes

Excel formula creation

0 votes

Oracle JRE 7 and 8 both will not install on previously Javaless win7

0 votes

Error upon File->Open, every time, in TextPad

0 votes

cygwin sshd.exe & service randomly hang after a few days

0 votes

"Not a bootable partition" from Haiku's boot manager for new Linux partitions