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squareborg's user avatar
squareborg's user avatar
  • Member for 13 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
44 votes

How can I disable "add application for mailto links" bar in Firefox?

15 votes

SSH into Linux machine over internet

13 votes

Why is the download speed slow in the early seconds?

13 votes

How to list folders using bash commands?

9 votes

Find | grep doesn't work in Cygwin

5 votes

What do the different formats for network addresses indicate?

5 votes

Direct transfer of a file between two computers on the Internet

4 votes

Unable to capture outgoing traffic with Wireshark on wi-fi network

4 votes

Linux console session over HTTP?

4 votes

Why boot disk doesn't see my Windows partition?

3 votes

Windows Vista Remote Desktop - simultaneous users

3 votes

Should the network interface gateway be

2 votes

How can I list all locked users in Linux?

2 votes

Map a remote Cygwin path to a Windows drive

2 votes

How to install centos inside virtual box using iso image

2 votes

How to display a list of network shares shared by a Windows computer

2 votes

How can I create another partition without losing my operating system?

2 votes

how can i install sun-java6-sdk on ubuntu 11 oneiric

2 votes

Tabbed terminal that connects to a GNU Screen session?

1 vote

Aircrack-ng Usage on Windows (XP) -- Needs clear steps

1 vote

Assigning an external drive a letter in windows XP

1 vote

Ubuntu guest os with dual network interfaces resetting resolv.conf

1 vote

Cursor jumping backwards

1 vote

How can I find out how many bytes are sent and received when browsing?

1 vote

Comodo disk encryption wants password

1 vote

HTTP downloads stall/hang after 1-5MB

1 vote

SAP on Windows running on Mac

1 vote

How to Add user to XP Machine for authentication for a network

1 vote

Partition a backup drive

1 vote

How can I access my XAMPP vhosts from a test browsers running inside Virtual Box?