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Lasse V. Karlsen's user avatar
Lasse V. Karlsen
  • Member for 14 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
18 votes

Should I choose 'Format' or 'Format (Quick)' when installing Windows XP?

16 votes

Can I remotely hibernate a computer?

14 votes

Is it possible to have a Google Chrome shortcut use a different user agent than an existing Chrome window?

12 votes

Windows XP seemingly out of resources but plenty of free RAM and swap available

11 votes

Why can't you defragment Solid State Drives?

11 votes

Windows 7 doesn't autorun Portable Apps Starter on Flash drive

10 votes

How to stop Chrome from remembering and suggesting usernames?

9 votes

What does the "Bitmap Caching" option do in the Remote Desktop Client?

9 votes

How to stop iTunes from warning me about sync-ing notes

4 votes

SD SIM Card Adapter, would one give a MacBook Pro a mobile data connection?

3 votes

Fullscreen Vista's Command Prompt, or Replacement

3 votes

How to highlight character by character in IE?

2 votes

Version control for images

2 votes

Google Chrome 6, content retrieval broken?

2 votes

fixing a truecrypt volume

2 votes

After undocking my laptop, Aero Glass stopped working, and ZoomIt now has two mouse pointers

2 votes

HP calculator with redefinable keyboard

2 votes

Alternative for WinMerge in Ubuntu

2 votes

HP PDX Laptop and blu-ray region on HP MediaSmart

2 votes

Software for handling camera RAW-files

1 vote

Restore drive image with PC reboot

0 votes

How do I fix Windows 10 after anniversary update where it draws almost everything as black on black?

0 votes

If I use Powershell with "-NoLogo" to hide the "logo" text, can I be told/figure out if Powershell detected that I'm running an old version of pwsh?