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Donald Byrd's user avatar
Donald Byrd's user avatar
Donald Byrd
  • Member for 14 years, 11 months
  • Last seen this week
24 votes

What is "flashing the BIOS"?

22 votes

GPT PMBR Size Mismatch will be corrected by w(rite)

9 votes

How to keep all of the output of a program on the Windows command line?

2 votes

How to record and replay http interactions?

2 votes

Splitting coax cable for PC tuner

2 votes

Windows 7 re-install - reestablish existing My Documents location on separate partition

1 vote

BSOD: 0x7F on XP

1 vote

Bluescreen IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL and no safe mode, either

1 vote

Dual internet connection setup

1 vote

MSDN Ultimate - using Office 2010 for general business purposes

1 vote

Cannot boot from windows 7 DVD

1 vote

Natural Ergonomic Keyboard 4000

1 vote

Media Streamer / Media Server solution for watching ripped dvd's on my TV

1 vote

Internet Explorer 6 question

0 votes

Unable to install HP Deskjet 6122 printer on Windows 7

0 votes

iPhone Dev Center Website error 413 overloaded with cookies

0 votes

strange problem with my motherboard

0 votes

Can I disconnect the fan on side door of a computer case

0 votes

Cannot save iTunes library

0 votes

Create a basic html file that opens in IE