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EBGreen's user avatar
  • Member for 14 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
72 votes

How can I permanently change the Command Prompt in Windows 7?

60 votes

How do I get get-childitem to filter on multiple file types?

60 votes

Changing last modified date or time via PowerShell

41 votes

Find a Directory/Folder with CMD without knowing full path

30 votes

How to delete a file that contains a backslash in the name under Windows 7?

28 votes

List only files of a particular extension with the DIR command

27 votes

What is the command line way of sending files to the recycle bin?

26 votes

Best way to *confidently* search files and contents in Windows without using an indexing service?

22 votes

What is AAFP socket on Motherboard?

21 votes

Change directory to previous directory in Powershell

18 votes

Where can I download Powershell 2.0 for Windows 7?

17 votes

How to make SUBST mapping persistent across reboots?

16 votes

Keyboard shortcut to start Calculator in Windows 7

15 votes

Can I open a command prompt with admin privleges in Vista WITHOUT my mouse?

14 votes

Powershell get-childitem env:path returns ellipsed one line, how to have something useful?

12 votes

How can I install a new font in PowerShell console?

12 votes

Enable Robocopy logs

12 votes

How to batch rename files with a random name

12 votes

Is there a command to find out the available memory in Windows?

10 votes

In Vim, is there a way to TAB multiple adjacent lines at a time?

9 votes

Flip or reverse line order in Notepad++

9 votes

Maximize All on a PC

9 votes

Windows Command Prompt auto-completion with forward slashes?

9 votes

How can I follow a windows shortcut in power shell?

8 votes

identify which chrome tab is using up CPU in Linux?

8 votes

Get definition of function and echo the code

8 votes

Powershell ping indefinitely

7 votes

Any quick way to call a directory using an environment variable in Powershell

7 votes

What does the "Refresh" feature in Windows 7 do?

6 votes

What could be causing problems on pinging Windows 8 machines?

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