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The How-To Geek's user avatar
The How-To Geek's user avatar
The How-To Geek
  • Member for 14 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than 7 years ago
90 votes

How to remove items from the right click (context) menu in Windows?

63 votes

How can I gently explain to non-techie friends they are the victim of a hoax?

33 votes

What does the svchost.exe process do?

33 votes

What applications, if any, benefit tangibly from more than 4GB of RAM?

17 votes

Can google chrome know how fast I type?

17 votes

Is there a text editor for very big files?

16 votes

Turn off the Desktop Cleanup Wizard popup forever

15 votes

How can I create a shortcut to "Foo" without " - Shortcut" suffix?

14 votes

How can I get to the recycle bin without the desktop icon in windows 7?

13 votes

How often should I dust the inside of my computer?

11 votes

How do I get a quick launch bar in Windows 7?

11 votes

Where does the Windows 7 taskbar store its data?

9 votes

What is the 'conhost.exe' process that shows up in Task Manager?

9 votes

Deleting "undeletable" files in Vista

9 votes

A drawing tablet combined with a dual-monitor system issue

8 votes

Make Bookmarks Toolbar in Firefox only Show Favicon

7 votes

A way to prevent Windows Update from restarting the computer?

7 votes

Combine calendars in Outlook

6 votes

Extending Launchy

6 votes

Undo the Linux trash command

5 votes

How can I install a downloaded Firefox add-on?

5 votes

Reassigning the AltGr key to the Windows Key in Windows 7

5 votes

Version Control for MP3s?

5 votes

Are Mac Minis suitable for a proper desktop computer?

4 votes

How to disable Windows Search in Windows explorer

4 votes

How to prevent Windows Update from automatically restarting my comp?

4 votes

Is DriversHQ Software - 'Driver detective' malware?

4 votes

Rearrange/Reduce Windows Context Menu

4 votes

Where/How do you search for information on the Internet?

4 votes

Vista Run Dialogue: This task will be created with administrator priviledges