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p._phidot_'s user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
  • 夢の世界
3 votes

Should I disable "Delayed Launcher" in my startup programs?

3 votes

Average Time In Excel

3 votes

Is it possible to search specific term in mutiple excel files and count the number of records easily?

2 votes

Microsoft Excel. Shelf life: calculate on which day % left equals 75

2 votes

Convert one column into a new column every 10 rows in Excel

2 votes

How to merge Excel worksheets by stacking columns, using an ID column?

2 votes

How to convert R1C1 string into A1 string inside excel using other formulas (no VB)?

2 votes

After using PowerPoint my monitors are no longer recognized

2 votes

Excel Autofill with defined steps

2 votes

Keeping a fixed constant (like letter "M") and a variable (like a number "100") in the same cell in excel but I only need to type the variable?

1 vote

How do I display Cyrillic unicode characters in Notepad and Excel on Windows 7?

1 vote

MS Excel sort column containing non-latin characters

1 vote

How can I make columns in an Excel spreadsheet sortable while maintaining row integrity?

1 vote

Date time lookup fails

1 vote

Windows: Copy files in remoted machine from that machine to local machine

1 vote

Dual monitors - Acting like one

1 vote

Windows Installer stuck on a infinite loop

1 vote

Sum row/cell values when multiple column conditions are fulfilled

1 vote

Spreadsheet for binary calculation

1 vote

MINUS on column and corresponding row

1 vote

Excel 2007 - Can't combine these three formulas into one cell

1 vote

If formula contains specific text/symbol/function

1 vote

How to step up cell reference in function by numeric values based on known number of rows

1 vote

What function (or functions) can I use to pass worksheet title to a reference?

1 vote

Excel equation with array constant

1 vote

spreadsheet formula for returning parts of filtered cells in column

1 vote

How does one add a key field to a named table in Excel?

1 vote

Is there another option to Picasa with similar ease of use and simplicity?

1 vote

Combine Excel cells into 1 cell based on date in next column

1 vote

Apply title case ("proper case") to an entire spreadsheet?

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