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J. Polfer's user avatar
J. Polfer
  • Member for 15 years
  • Last seen more than 6 years ago
21 votes

Computer with no information at all ?-- where to start?

17 votes

how do you access gmail when gmail is down?

10 votes

Does Linux put my laptop's HD in danger?

10 votes

Three monitors setup on machine with integrated graphic card

8 votes

How do you determine what a 'good' monitor is?

7 votes

Power Supply Too Big?

6 votes

What to do with old laptop screens?

6 votes

Can I import sheet music to play on a PC?

6 votes

How do I swap audio output of the left and right speakers?

4 votes

How to test a power supply?

4 votes

How To Spot/Recognize A Good Repair Shop

4 votes

Which tool can be used to connect two TCP/IP servers?

4 votes

What do you do about wrist pain?

3 votes

Storing computers outside?

3 votes

Format Painter in Microsoft Office

3 votes

Text terminal hardware (for Linux)

2 votes

Querying a CSV file

1 vote

How can I use my computer to control my house?

1 vote

Looking for a software / something to automate some simple audio processing

1 vote

Blinking power button

1 vote

Can I share a hard drive both over USB and SMB?

1 vote

DVD drive disappears

1 vote

PC BluRay - Multichannel HD Audio output

1 vote

What is default admin for SQLite?

1 vote

Free Database Utilities / Tools for Mac OS X

1 vote

How do I connect my sound card to an amplifier?

0 votes

Is there any way to do an emacs-like yank in vim?

0 votes

LAMP/TURNKEY LINUX/VIRTUAL BOX: Manipulating Files on a Virtual Machine

0 votes

Windows 7 OEM - Is OPK use required?

0 votes

Why can I not combine two partitions into one from Disk Management?