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Milind R
  • Member for 11 years, 4 months
  • Last seen this week
  • Bangalore, India
7 votes

Fix GPT on Win7

7 votes

How do I install Windows 7 32-bit on a UEFI-based system?

5 votes

Is there any way to boot Windows 7/8 using BIOS on GPT?

4 votes

Is TianoCore+coreboot a true open source UEFI?

3 votes

Seeking (somewhat) better explanations about supporting >2 TB hard drives

3 votes

Is it safe to purge EFI from a laptop?

3 votes

Is there any reason *not* to enable 802.3az (Energy-Efficient Ethernet) on a switch?

3 votes

Does WiFi still work if I use my router as a switch?

2 votes

Front audio jack not working or missconfigured?

2 votes

Windows on a hybrid MBR/GPT

2 votes

How do I add Windows 7 to GRUB 2?

2 votes

Is it possible to "return" to GRUB after booting Linux without restarting

1 vote

The Linux + Windows Issue

1 vote

Windows 7 fresh install won't boot without 2nd harddrive, missing boot partition?

1 vote

Can I use my Wi-Fi router to connect my desktop to a Wi-Fi Internet?

1 vote

Windows 7 rightclick menu from toolbar like ALT-SPACE?

1 vote

What is the specification for GPU ROMs?

1 vote

Does Windows 8.1 Secure Boot need a TPM chip?

1 vote

Windows 8.1 BSOD CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED after waking up from sleep

1 vote

Windows 7 GPT to MBR? EFI to BIOS

1 vote

Why don't computers start loading the OS earlier in the boot process?

1 vote

Boot of Windows 7 from GPT disk on non EFI motherboard

1 vote

Installing Win 7 To GPT and Why My UEFI Mobo Won't Boot From CD Unless In Legacy Mode

1 vote

How to install Windows on GPT disk without UEFI BIOS?

1 vote

Specific ethernet cable not working with router only, but works with NIC

1 vote

SSD install - what do I need to watch out for when reconfiguring SATA ports?

1 vote

Normal ISO to UEFI bootable ISO converter?

1 vote

Unable to boot into OSX after installing Windows with Bootcamp

0 votes

Booting Windows 8 on an older Mac. Making a Parallels partition bootable

0 votes

Can I set up DNS & DHCP with IPv6 with ULA (fd00:/8) addresses on my LAN using a Unifi EdgeRouter X?